I know which nightmare is missing. And it did not escape. Nothing escapes the Box. It was set loose.
The Dreaming: Waking Hours #1 is an issue of the series The Dreaming: Waking Hours (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 2020. It was published on August 4, 2020.
Synopsis for "The Bard and the Bard, Part One"
Appearing in "The Bard and the Bard, Part One"
Featured Characters:
- Lindy Morris (First appearance)
- Ruin (First appearance; unnamed)
Supporting Characters:
- Anne Hathaway Morris (First appearance; unnamed)
- Jophiel (First appearance)
- William Shakespeare (First appearance) (Also in a dream sequence)
- Anne Hathaway (First appearance) (In dream sequence only)
- Christopher "Kit" Marlowe (First appearance) (In dream sequence only)
- Illuminati Shakespeare (First appearance; unnamed) (In dream sequence only)
- Sheik Zubayr (First appearance) (In dream sequence only)
Other Characters:
- Mrs. Christopolous (Single appearance)
- Professor Dunbar/"Professor Poopface" (First appearance)
- Lucien
- Matthew the Raven (Cover only)
- Merv Pumpkinhead (Cover only)
- Cain (Mentioned only)
- Tybalt the Cat (First appearance) (In dream sequence only)
- The Endless (Mentioned only)
- Endless Teeth (Mentioned only)
- God (Mentioned only)
- Road to Nowhere (Mentioned only)
- The Inquisition (Mentioned only)
- Abraham (Mentioned only)
- Isaac (Mentioned only)
- Earth 0/"Waking World"
- United States of America
- New Jersey
- Old Branch (First appearance)
- 316 East John Street
- Jophiel's House (First appearance)
- Lindy Morris' House (First appearance)
- 316 East John Street
- Old Branch (First appearance)
- New Jersey
- England
- Oxford
- Oxford University (Mentioned only)
- Stratford-upon-Avon (Mentioned only)
- Oxford
- United States of America
- Sphere of the Gods
- The Dreaming
- Ghost Castle
- The Great Hall
- Stratford House (First appearance)
- Ghost Castle
- Heaven
- The Silver City
- Throne of Heaven (Mentioned only)
- The Silver City
- The Dreaming
- The Box of Nightmares/The Black Chest (First appearance as Box of Nightmares)
- Lucid Dreaming
- Magic
- The story continues from The Dreaming (Volume 2) #20.
- The nightmare "Road to Nowhere" is a reference to the story from The Books of Magic #4 which featured a possible future where Evil won the Final Magical Conflict.
- William Shakespeare's Stratford House from this story echoes Emily Dickinson's Dreamherst from Books of Magic (Volume 3) #21.
See Also
- Cover gallery for the The Dreaming: Waking Hours series
- Images from The Dreaming: Waking Hours Vol 1 1
Links and References
This page is missing a well-written and detailed synopsis. If there is already a synopsis here, it might need to be modified or expanded. You can help the DC Database by adding a summary of the story.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.