The Essential Batman Encyclopedia is a 2008 reference book on Batman.
Synopsis for "The Essential Batman Encyclopedia"
Appearing in "The Essential Batman Encyclopedia"
Featured Characters:
- Abattoir; Abbot, Kyle; Abdullah; Academy, The; Ace the Bat-Hound; Actuary, The; A'Daire, Whisper; Adams, Abel; Adams, Michael; Agatha (Aunt); Aiko; Akins, Michael; Albrek, Edgar; Alfred; Alfred Memorial Foundation; Ali; Allen, Crispus; Allen, Tod; Allnut, Harold; Alpha the Experimental Man; Amygdala; Anarky; Anderson, Professor, Andrews; Antal, Pierre; Ant-Man; Aquaman; Aquista, Darla; Ardello; Aristo; Jeremiah Arkham; Armless Master; Arnold, Professor Hugo; Artisans, The; Arvin, Dr. Edward; Asher; J.J. Ashley; Asplin, Benedict; Astro; Athena; Atkins; Atkins, Gwen; Atom, The; Atomic-Man, Atom-Master; Azrael
- Babble, Ally; Baffle, Michael; Bagley; Bailey, Nick; Bain, Martin; Baker, Big Jack; Balfor, Griffin; Ballard, Brand; Bamboo Monkey Bancroft, Big Jack; Band of Super-Villains, The; Bane; Banner, The; Bard, Jason (The Trapper); Bard, Jason, Bard, Jonathan; Barden, Charles; Barham, James; Barnaby, A.K.; Barroc, Eric; Barrow, "Boss"; Barrows, Barney; Bart, Joe; Bartlett, Joely; Bartok; Barton, Captain; Bartor, Brand; Batboy; Batgirl; Bat-Hombre; Bathound; Bat-Knight; Batman; Batman (Just Imagine); Batman (Tangent); Batman II; Batman Jones; Batman Junior; Batmen of All Nations; Bat-Men of Dalton Corners, The; Bat-Men; Bat-People, The; Bat-Squad; Batwoman, The; Batzaro; Baumgarten, Stanley; Beagle, Alfred; Bean, Solly; Beckett, Tom; Beldon, "Brains"; Bell, Longhorn; Bellows, Ralph; Beltt Warden; Bennet, "Keys"; Bentley, Morris; Bertinelli, Helena; Biff; Bigbee, "Angles"; Big Game Hunter, The; Big-Hearted John; Billings, Delbert; Bird; Birds of Prey; Bishop, Tiger; Blackbeard; Black Canary; Black Diamond, The; Blackhand; Black Lightning; Black Mask; Black Patch; Black Rogue, The; Black Spider I; Black Spider II; Black Spider III; Blackwing; Blake, Frenchy; Blake, George; Blake, Thomas; Blakely, Ted; Blane, Cory; Blanning, Rand; Blaster, The; Blaze, The; Blink; Blockbuster I; Blockbuster II; Blockbuster III; Blondeed, Blackie; Blood, Jason; Blue Beetle; Bock, Mackenzie "Hardback"; Bodin, "Hush-Hush"; Bodin, Paul; Boles, Beetle; Boley, Jinx; Boley Brothers, The; Bolton, Dr. Frank; Bolton, Lyle; Bolton, Tom; Bonecrushers, The; Boone; Bordeaux; Bork, Carl; Bota, Gregory; Bouncer; Bourdet; Bowers, Bert; Boyd, "Little Nap"; Bradley, Slam; Brady, Jim; Brady Brothers, The; Brainiac; Bramwell, B. Bramwell; Brand, Eddie; Brand, The; Brando, Wolf; Brane; Brane, Professor L. M.; Brann; Bessi, Anthony; Briggs; Brink, Scar; Bronze Tiger; Brooks, Paula; Brother Eye; Brotherhood of the Fist; Brown, Arthur; Brown, Stephanie; Browne, B. Boswell; Brule; Buchinsky, Lester; Buckler, Jib; Bugg; Bullet-Hole Club; Bullock, Harvey; Bulow, Brainy; Burke, Tommy; Burns, Boston; Burr, Jason; Burr, Joe; Burton, Henry; Bush, Henry; Byrus
- Cain; Cain, Cassandra; Cain, David; Caird, Jay; Calculator; Calendar Man; Callendar, Rob; Calvino, Saul; Cameo, Camilla; Canary; Cap'n Ben's Wild Animal Act; Capshaw, Terry; Captain Ben; Captain Boomerang; Captain Boomerang II; Captain Lightfoot; Captain Stingaree; Carden, Professor; Cardinal Sin; Cardine, "Knots"; Cardine, Payne; Carlin; Carlin, Catspaw; Carlo; Carlson; Carlyle, Roger; Carma, Tommy; Carp, Clement; Carson, Bennett; Carson, Jumbo; Carson, Ted; Carter, Michael; Caspian, Judson; Caspian, Rachel; Cassidy; Cassius; Cat, The; Catman; Catwoman; Cavalier; Cave, Carl C.; Cell Six; Chalmers, Deuce; Chandler, Romy; Charaxes; Charlatan; Chase, Cameron; Checkmate (Villain); Checkmate (Organiztion); Chifford, Jack; Chill, Eddie; Joe Chill; Chill, Joe Jr.; Chill, Max; Chimera; Chorn; Chubb, Dr.; Chubb, T. Worthington; Chubb, The Fabulous Ernie; Circe; Clancy, Bridget; Clate, "Crafty" Cal; Clayber; Clayface; Clevenger, Epsilpah; Clock King; Clockmaster, The; Club of Heroes, The; Cluemaster; Cobb, Phil; Cobblepot, Oswald Chesterfield; Coe, Jeremy; Cohen, Ivan[1]; Coleman, Robert; Collector, The; Collins, Lee; Collins, Vance; Colonel Sulphur; Colossimo, Bird; Combs, Harlan; Composite Superman; Condor Gang, The (1958); Condor Gang, The (1963); Conger, "Knuckles"; Conjurer, The; Conklin, Bugs; Conroy, Big Ed; Cook, John; Cooper, Harriet; Copperhead; Corbett, Madolyn; James Corrigan; Corrosive Man; Cort, Maxwell; Cossack, The; Count, The; Courtney, Karl; Coyne, Joe; Craddock, "Gentleman" Jim; Craig, Al; Craig, Elton; Crail, Vincent; Crane, Jack; Crane, Jonathan; Cratchitt, Timmy; Crawford, Brandon; Crazy Quilt; Creeper, The; Crier, The; Crime Doctor, The; Crimesmith; Crimson Knight, The; Crocky; Cronin, Lew; Crossman, Karl; Crown, Caroline; Crystal Creature, The; Cullen, Bart; Cullen, Bobo; Cypher; Cyril; Czonk
- Dabblo; Dagger, Deadeye; Dagger, The; Dagner, Dirk; Dai-Lo, The; Dala; Dale, Peter; Dall; Daling, Mrs.; Damfino, Nina; Damian; Danger Club, The; Daniels, Big Boy; Danko, Willis; Danning, Victor; Danny the Dummy; Danton, Joe; Danton, Slits; Darcy, Robert; Daredevils, The; Darrk, Dr. Ebenezer; Dark Rider I; Dark Rider II; Darkwolf; Darrel, Lou; Dava; Davneport, J. Delvin; Davenport, Marjory; Davis, Bart; Davis, Frank; Davis, Homer; Day, Julian Gregory; Deacon Blackfire; Deaadman; Deadshot; Death-Cheaters' Club, The; Deathstroke the Terminator; Deems, Darby; Delion, John; Delmar. Horatio; Demon, The; Dent, Duela; Dent, Gilda; Dent, Harvey; Dent, Paul; Derek, Dr.; Derek, Wiley; Desmond, Mark; Desmond, Roland; Devoe; Dibny; Dibny, Sue Dearbon; Dickerosn, Daniel Danforth III; Digges; Dillon, Dr. John V.; DiPina; Director, The; Dix, Smiley; Doctor Agar; Doctor Death; Doctor Doom; Doctor Double-X; Doctor Dreemo; Doctor Excess; Doctor Fang; Doctor Hercules; Doctor Moon; Doctor No-Face; Doctor Phosphorous; Doctor Pneumo; Doctor Sampson; Doctor Tzin-Tzin; Doctor X; Doctor Zodiac; Doc Willard; Dodo, Wally; Dodo Man, The; Dodson, Peter; Dolan, Joe; Donegan, Knuckles; Dorn; Dorn, Maestro; D'Orterre; Dosynski, Gregor; Double Dare; Double-X; Dragoncat; Dargon Fly, Silken Spider, and Tiger Moth; Dragon Society, The; Drake, Dana Winters; Drake, Jack; Drake, Janet Lynn; Drake, Mortimer; Drake, Timothy "Tim"; Drew, "Dimples"; Driscoll, Peter; Driver, Marcus; Drye, Dana; DuBois, Louis; Ducard, Henri; Dugger, Cosmo; Dumpler, Humphrey; Dumpster Slasher, The; Dundee, Douglas William; Dunn, Felix; Durfee, Jim; Durgin, Hal; Durim; Durr, Jon; Dyke, George "Boss"; Dynamic Duo; Dzerchenko, Ariana
- Eagle; Eagleton, Morris; Echo; Ecks, Simon; Edison; Ekdal, Eivol; Electrocutioner, The; Elemental Man, The; Elgin, Slippery Jim; Elliot, Dr. Thomas; Ellison, Dr. Thomas; Elongated Man; Elton, Lori; Enforcer, The; Eraser, The; Erbot; Erkham; Escabedo Cartel; Essen, Sarah; Etchison, Graham; Etkar, (Nè Etchison), Arnold; Executioner, The; Executrix
- Fabian, Frank; Facade; Faceless; Fairchild, Vesper; Faith; Falcone, Alberto; Falcone, Carmine; False-Face; False Face Society; Falstaff, Gregorian; Fang, The; Fangan; Farnum, Lew; Farr, Glenn; Farrell, Sparks; Farrow, Dwight[2]; Fat Frank; Fatman; Felina; Felix, Count; Ferris, Iron-Hat; Fiasco, Lenny; Fifth Columnist; Film Freak; Finch, Nathan; Fingers, Slick; Finney, Nails (1946); Finney, Nails (1962); Firebug; Firebug II; Firefly; Flagg, Tim; Flamebird; Flannegan, Otis; Flash, The; Flass, Arnold; Fleming, "Bull"; Flint, Joe; Flippy; Flores, Catalina; Florian, Count; Floronic Man; Flower Gang, The; Flying Graysons, The; Folland, Frank; Forbes, Freddy; Foster, "Big Joe"; Foster, Frank "Wheels"; Foster, John; Fox, Lucius; Fox, The; Fraley, Walter; Frank, Adam; Franklin, Amina; Freeway; Fries, Nora; Fries, Victor; Fright; Frisby, Floyd; Frogel, "Five Aces"; Frye, "Fish"; Fuller, Sandra[3]; Funny Face Gang, The; Futurians, The
- Gaige; Galvan, "Buzz"; Gant, Chopper; Gargoyle, The; Gargoyle Gang, The; Garr; Garris, Jay; Garrow, Rand; Garth; Garth, Jim; Garth, Sam; Garver, Big Jim; Garvey, Ed; Gaucho, El; Gavin; Gearhead; Geisha Grrls; Geist; Gelby, Bix; General; Gentleman Ghost, The; Geo-Force; Getaway Genius, The; Ghost Dragons, The; Ghost Gang; Gibbons, Archie; Gibling, Willis; Gibson; Gigante, Sofia Falcone; Gillen, John; Gillis, Bart; Gimmick Gang, The; Glass Man, The; Gleeson, Summer; Glim, Johnny; Globetrotter, The; Globe-Trotter, The; Gloves; Goblin, The; Golar, Eric; Gong, The; Good Queen Bess; Goodwin; Gordon, Barbara; Gordon, Barbara; Gordon, James; Gordon, James Jr.; Gordon, John; Gordon, Roger; Gordon, Sarah Essen; Gordon, Thelma; Gordon, Tony; Gorilla Boss of Gotham; Gorilla Gang, The; Gorney, Goldplate; Goss, John; Gotham Broadcasting Company, The; Gotham City Police Department; Grady, "Sparkles"; Graham; Grampbly, General; Granda the Mystic; Graney, Guy; Grange, Marion; Grant, Ted; Grasshoppers, The; Graves (1940); Graves (1942); Gravios, The; Gray; Grayson, Charles; Grayson, Clara; Grayson, George; Grayson, John; Grayson, Mary; Grayson, Richard "Dick"; Great Eagle; Great Swami, The; Great White Shark, The; Green, Eva; Green, Rachel; Green Arrow; Green Arrow II; Green Dragon, The; Green Lantern I; Green Lantern II; Green Mask Bandits, The; Greer, Harliss; Greggson, Dr.; Gregorian, Paul; Grimes, Basil; Grimes, Rocky; Grimm; Groff; Groff, Jo-Jo; Grogan, Jack; Grogan, Mike; Grosset, Blinky; Grote; Grotesk; Grundy, Solomon; Grutt, Count; Guile, Henry III; Gunbunny; Gunhawk; Gunn, Faye[4]; Gurlin, Simon
- Hackett, Al; Hackett and Snead; Hadley, Brass; Hagen, Dr.; Hagen, Matt; Hainer, Sergeant Harvey; Hale, Professor; Hall, Hubert; Halo; Haly Bros. Circus; Hammer, Jake; Hammer, The; Hammond, W. W.; Hangman; Hangman Club, The; Hangman Killer, The; Hanrahan, Dana; Hanson, Erik; Harben, Rick; Harbin; Hare, Toothy; Harlequin; Harley Quinn; Harmon, James; Harmon, Joe; Harper, Harris; Harper, Keene; Harpy; Harriet, Aunt; Harris, Harvey; Harris Boys, The; Hart, John; Hart, Mr.; Hart, Murray Wilson; Hartley; Harvest; Harvest II; Hassel, Chips; Hawke, Connor; Hawkins, "Mad Dog"; Hawkleigh, Liam; Head, Talia; Heavy Weapons Gang, The; Hecate; Hedrant, Ferris; Hellfern, Dr. Karl; Hellgrammite; Hellhound; Helzinger, Aaron; Hennely, Gereard "Jerry"; Hewitt, Walter; Hijack; Hill, Hamilton; Hillery; Hobson, "Brain;" Hoffner, Fritz; Hoggsby, Happy; Holiday; Holmes, Shirley; Hooker, Big Dan; Hooker, Willy; Hooton, Lucky; Hornets, The; Howe, Andrew; Hroguth; Human Flea, The; Human Key, The; Human Magnet, The; Human Target, The; Humpty Dumpty; Hunt, Oliver; Hunter, Dean; Huntress, The; Hush; Hydra; Hydro; Hyland, Lee; Hyoro
Other Characters:
- Accord; Alcor; Arkham Asylum; Atkins; Atlantis; Aviary, The
- Balkania; Batcave; Batcave West; Batman Island; Batman Museum; Belvos; Bird House, The; Blackgate Penitentiary; Bludhaven; Brentwood Academy; Brideshead; Bristol
- Canalville; Carlathan Mountains; Cathala, Chinatown; Crime Alley
- East End
- Fifth Dimension; Fortress of Solitude
- Ghost Mountain; Gilded Age Bird Shoppe; Gotham City
- Hasaragua; The Hill; House of Mystery; Hudson University; Hungaria
- Batarang Bat-Missile; Bat-Signal, The; Batsuit
- Clench, The
- Damsel
Links and References
- None.
- ↑ The book mistakenly refers to Eric Cohen as Ivan Cohen.
- ↑ The book mistakenly refers to Dwight Forrow as Dwight Farrow.
- ↑ The book mistakenly refers to Sondra Fuller as Sandra Fuller.
- ↑ The book mistakenly refers to Faye Gunn as Faye Gunn. It should be noted that the first name of the Prime Earth incarnation of the character is spelled with an "e."
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Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.