Dark clouds gather around Barry and his new family when the citizens of Central City meet Negative Flash. The Flash sets out to save everyone he has ever loved from Negative Flash, but there's just one problem: he is Negative Flash! Barry Allen must get his new powers under control and battle terrifying new villains before they both kill him.
- The Flash (Volume 5) #28 (Negative, Part One)
- The Flash (Volume 5) #29 (Negative, Part Two)
- The Flash (Volume 5) #30 (Blood Work, Part One)
- The Flash (Volume 5) #31 (Bloodwork! Finale)
- The Flash (Volume 5) #32 (Welcome to Iron Heights)
- The Flash (Volume 5) #33 (Bats out of Hell)
- The Flash (Volume 5) #34 (Black Hole Rising, Part One)
- The Flash (Volume 5) #35 (Black Hole Rising, Part Two)
- The Flash (Volume 5) #36 (A Cold Day in Hell - Part One)
- The Flash (Volume 5) #37 (A Cold Day in Hell - Part Two)
- The Flash (Volume 5) #38 (A Cold Day in Hell - Finale)