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"Conqueror from 8 Million B.C.!": This story is reprinted from The Flash #105.

The Flash Annual #1 is an issue of the series The Flash Annual (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 1963. It was published on August 15, 1963.

Synopsis for "Conqueror from 8 Million B.C.!"

This story is reprinted from The Flash #105.

Archaeologist John Haines has followed his research showing early traces of man are buried in a park on the outskirts of Central City. A hunch leads him to dig in a particular spot. The hunch was really a form of mind-control from Katmos, the sole survivor of a metallic race that ruled the Earth eight million years ago. Katmos orders him to free him from the cylindrical prison. Katmos explains he was the sole survivor of his time, and was the ruler of his people. He has decided he will once again rule the world.

Barry Allen is researching a string of strange robberies when he talks to Iris West on the phone. She tells him that he should go out and catch the man vs spending all his time in the laboratory researching like the 'Flash' would. Barry hangs up the phone and thinks about how Iris is always comparing him to Flash since he's always late for appointments. He's worried he'll meet Iris for dinner on time.

Barry thinks back to the time the accident in his lab occurred which gave him his powers. He remembers his oath that no one must know his secret identity as the Flash. Barry picks up a newspaper with a story from an eye-witness report on the robberies he's investigating. The eye-witness report was form a guard who had his mind controlled by Katmos. Katmos told him he was stealing pieces to increase the power of his mind-control weapon which he would use on the entire world. Barry hears a sighting of Katmos on the police scanner and takes off to investigate.

Finding Katmos, Flash battles the prehistoric humanoid, but is captured and sealed in a tube. Once under the direct light of the sun, the tube will make Flash a thousand times heavier than normal. The Flash manages to break out of the tube by bouncing out of the cavern into the sky and crashing onto the ground. The Flash then quickly knocks out Katmos and turns him over to the police.

Barry meets with Iris in time for dinner and says he doesn't need to read the latest article on Katmos, he just wants to spend time with Iris.

Appearing in "Conqueror from 8 Million B.C.!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • John Haines (Single appearance)


Synopsis for "The Master of the Elements!"

This story is reprinted from Showcase #13.

Palladium Jewelry store is robbed by a fantastic new villain called Mr. Element, who uses various gimmicks related to chemistry. The robbery gets the attention of Barry Allen, who races off as the Flash to try and stop Mr. Element, but to no avail, as Mr. Element uses his element changing device to get away.

After another failed attempt at stopping Mr. Element, the Flash is issued a challenge and meets with the villain for a one on one fight. During the fight Element creates magnetic light which causes the Flash to be shot out into space. Element's victory proves to be short lived, as the Flash uses his momentum to sling-shot around the Moon and return to Earth, where he quickly dispatches Element and his goons and turns them over to the police.

Appearing in "The Master of the Elements!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Mr. Element (First appearance) (Origin)
  • Mr. Element's goons
    • Argon (Single appearance)
    • Krypton (Single appearance)
    • Radon (Single appearance)
    • Xenon (Single appearance)

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Mystery of the Elongated Man!"

This story is reprinted from The Flash #112.

The Flash is at risk of losing the Central City Man of the Year award by the arrival of a new costumed hero named the The Elongated Man. The Elongated Man is really Ralph Dibny, who as a young boy was interested in the abilities of Indian Rubber Men as a child, and learned the secret to their stretching abilities: A rare tropical fruit extract which is found in Gingold Soda Water. Extracting some of this fruit extract, Ralph gained amazing stretching powers and took on the costumed identity.

When a series of thefts occur in the city, the Flash gets involved in their search, pitting him in a fight against the Elongated Man when the Flash believes him to be the crook. However, after the fight, Elongated Man takes Flash to the hideout of the real crooks, clearing his name. The two become fast friends, and at the end of their first adventure together they are both named Man of the Year.

Appearing in "The Mystery of the Elongated Man!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Perry Veto (Single appearance)

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Amazing Star Sapphire!"

This story is reprinted from All-Flash #32.

Appearing in "The Amazing Star Sapphire!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:



Synopsis for "Menace of the Super-Gorilla!"

This story is reprinted from The Flash #106.

A strange craft is seen moving at the speed of light and digs its way to Central City Park.

When Barry Allen's friend, stage actor Fred Pearson (and star of the show The Great Gorilla) fears that he may be the strange gorilla creature that stalks the city at night, he calls Barry for help.

As Barry leaves the police station to meet Fred, he bolts through the park where he spots another unidentified object moving at the same speed the Flash does. He catches up to see a ship that suddenly reverses directions. Flash takes too long to turn around and loses it in the park. Flash decides he better hurry to meet Fred as he had originally planned.

At dinner, Fred tells Barry how he had been knocked out before his performance the previous evening. However, when he woke up, he found out someone else gave a performance that went over well with the audience. All Fred can remember is voices in his head saying they "needed to hide for a bit".

At Central City Park, the craft reappears and Gorilla Grodd reveals he came from a hidden city in Africa. He has come seeking the world's greatest mind so that he may learn the secret of mind-control. He wants to use it to control the armies of Gorilla City in order to take over the world.

Grodd finds Solovar, a member of his own race, who has let himself be captured by humans and put in a zoo. Here he has posed as an ordinary ape in order to keep Gorilla City a secret from the world of humans. Stealing the ability, Force of Mind, Grodd returns to Gorilla City to begin his plans of domination.

Solovar frees himself and seeks out the Flash and asks for his help in stopping Grodd. The two travel to Gorilla City where Grodd has just taken over the army. Flash manages to battle Grodd by spinning around him faster than Grodd can think. This knocks Grodd out and removes the knowledge of Force of Mind from his memories. Flash then turns Grodd over to Solovar for punishment, and promises not to reveal the secret of Gorilla City's location to the rest of the world.

Returning to Central City, as Barry, the Flash tells his friend Fred that he need not worry about the strange gorilla sightings anymore, and then takes Iris out on a date to the zoo.

Appearing in "Menace of the Super-Gorilla!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Solovar (First appearance)
  • Fred Pearson




Synopsis for "Meet Kid Flash!"

This story is reprinted from The Flash #110.

Iris brings her nephew Wally to visit Barry. As soon as Barry learns Wally is a big fan of the Flash, he decides to introduce him. Left alone with the lad, Barry changes into the Flash and visits with young Wally. As the Flash is explaining how he got his powers, a lightning bolt bursts through the window and strikes chemicals on the cabinet, which land on Wally just as they did for the Flash two years prior,[1] and much to their surprise, Wally has gained speed powers as well. Creating another Flash costume for Wally, Wally becomes Flash's sidekick Kid Flash.

Leaving Wally alone (because, as Barry, he has to work), Wally hears a radio report of zoo animals escaping, and heads out to round them up as Kid Flash. Wally has them all caged up before the Flash can arrive to lock them away himself.

At Iris's apartment, Wally tells Iris of his meeting with Flash and tells her that he got to meet Kid Flash, but has promised to keep his identity secret.

Appearing in "Meet Kid Flash!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Zoo Animals

Other Characters:





See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
