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"The Speed of Doom!": While out on a picnic date in Central City Park, Iris notices that their favorite tree stump by which they used to picnic by has disappeared. Barry recalls back to the events that led to the trees disappearance. Answ

The Flash #108 is an issue of the series The Flash (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 1959.

Synopsis for "The Speed of Doom!"

While out on a picnic date in Central City Park, Iris notices that their favorite tree stump by which they used to picnic by has disappeared. Barry recalls back to the events that led to the trees disappearance. Answering an add to test to see how fast the Flash can run, the Flash had walked into a trap set by Kee Feleg, a being from the world of Mohru. Kee Felag bombarded the Flash's feet with radiation that makes him unable to stop running. Felag's plan was to speed up the treadmill faster and faster until the Flash destroyed himself.

The Flash freed himself by running so fast he overloaded the machine and escaped. The Flash finds that fulgurites are being stolen by beings who are running at super speed. Following them through a dimensional barrier, he finds himself in the world of Mohru, where he learns from the Mohruvian police that the criminals of that world have gained super speed from stealing objects that have been struck by lightning (like the tree stump which Barry and Iris picnic by) to gather residual energy from the lightning strike to gain super speed. The Flash then helps the Mohruvian police force capture the criminal speedsters before returning to his own dimension.

Appearing in "The Speed of Doom!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Kee Feleg (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Mohruvians




Synopsis for "The Super-Gorilla's Secret Identity!"

Gorilla Grodd escapes from his prison in Gorilla City by summoning his Quadromobile, which is now telepathically linked to Grodd. Grodd creates a evolutionary device that will allow him to evolve to the next evolutionary step above humans.

In Central City, Barry is walking to meet Iris West for a date. When he sees a crane about to fall on her, he transforms into the Flash, and swoops her off her feet. He takes off to change back into his civilian clothes and is berated by Iris for being late and having to be saved by Flash again. Iris tells Barry that her paper is putting out their man of the year award again. This year it is between Flash and a new mystery man named Drew Drowden, who has earned millions in the stock market and built a facility on his land.

At the Drowden estate, Drew Drowden reveals his facility was built for the sole purpose of create a pill. Upon taking this pill, Drowden now has the ability of Mind over Matter and can control objects. He uplifts trees and can control what they do.

Checking out the reports of strange happenings at the Drowden plant, the Flash runs into Drowden, however before he can use his Mind over Matter powers against the Flash, the effects of the evolution ray wear off and Drowden changes back into Gorilla Grodd. Grodd finds that he cannot use the Mind over Matter powers in his gorilla form and tries to use the evolution device once more. Flash destroys the device at super speed and then recaptures Grodd. Flash races him across the ocean returning him to the authorities of Gorilla City once more.

Appearing in "The Super-Gorilla's Secret Identity!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:






  • Flash is clocked at 100,000 miles per hour, Then 180,000 miles per second, and then faster than the speed of light. The speed of light is 186,234 miles per second.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
