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"The Mightiest Punch of All Time!": The criminal known as Professor Zoom is being released from prison in 25th century Earth. Zoom has manipulated a Cerebro scanning device to indicate that he has been reformed and is worthy of being set free. Once he is out of prison, Zoom resumes his crimina

The Flash #153 is an issue of the series The Flash (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 1965.

Synopsis for "The Mightiest Punch of All Time!"

The criminal known as Professor Zoom is being released from prison in 25th century Earth. Zoom has manipulated a Cerebro scanning device to indicate that he has been reformed and is worthy of being set free. Once he is out of prison, Zoom resumes his criminal career. He focuses on a machine that encourages evil in all creatures by the radiation that it emits. Zoom hopes to travel to 20th century Earth to make the incredible Mr Element turn to crime once more after reforming. In the meantime, Al Desmond Alias Mr Element meets with Barry Allen in present day Earth. He is concerned that an upcoming promotion might tempt him to return to a life of crime. He can feel himself turning more and more evil. Desmond even attempts to rob the cash register of a restaurant but he is stopped by the Flash before he can carry out the actual crime. Desmond does not realize that his feelings of evil are being manifested by Zooms machine. Zoom eventually transports himself to the 20th century and begins to focus on the Flash. He feels that the scarlet speedster is preventing him from turning Mr Element into an evil criminal. With the help of his machine, Zoom manages to influence the Central City municipal council into passing a law which forbids anyone from traveling at super speed within the Central City limits. Zoom then challenges the Flash to stop his crime spree without breaking the newly announced law. Flash attempts to apprehend Zoom but has difficuly keeping up with him without using his super speed powers. At one point, Flash tricks Zoom into traveling just outside of the city limits so that he can legally use his super powers but the reverse flash avoids his trap. The battle between the two speedsters is observed by Al Desmond and he resigns himself to rescue the Flash through self-hypnosis. Mr Element rescues the Flash but his self hypnosis does not last long and he then attempts to kill Flash. Flash subdues Mr Element and transports him to the 25th century where they use their advanced technology to permanently reform Al Desmond from having anymore evil inclinations. Once cured, the two then travel back to present day Earth where Desmond announces that he will accept his company's offer of promotion.

Appearing in "The Mightiest Punch of All Time!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





  • Reverse-Flash's real name, Eobard Thawne, is first given in this issue.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
