DC Database

"Grodd Puts the Squeeze on Flash!": Everyone in Central City is sped up to hypervelocity, and Gorilla Grodd tells the Flash that he will restore the populace to normal if Flash breaks him out of prison. However, the Flash eventually discovers that the sun is causing people to speed up, not Grodd

The Flash #172 is an issue of the series The Flash (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 1967. It was published on June 6, 1967.

Synopsis for "Grodd Puts the Squeeze on Flash!"

Everyone in Central City is sped up to hypervelocity, and Gorilla Grodd tells the Flash that he will restore the populace to normal if Flash breaks him out of prison. However, the Flash eventually discovers that the sun is causing people to speed up, not Grodd.

Appearing in "Grodd Puts the Squeeze on Flash!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Dr. Torrance




Synopsis for "The Machine-Made Robbery!"

The Flash catches some crooks who have been using Prof. Ira West's computer as a robbery tool.

Appearing in "The Machine-Made Robbery!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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