DC Database

"Job Hunt": After the battle with Savitar, life for the Park-West family is finally back to normal. Unfortunately that means dealing with the everyday problems of real life, namely that Linda's income alone is not enough to support the family. Wally resolves to

Quote1 A mechanic. A hero. A father. You're not one thing, Wally. You're more than a person who can move at the speed of sound. You're a problem solver. You have mechanical expertise. You've traveled through time. A lot. And I trust you. Quote2
Michael Holt

The Flash #772 is an issue of the series The Flash (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 2021. It was published on July 20, 2021.

Synopsis for "Job Hunt"

After the battle with Savitar, life for the Park-West family is finally back to normal. Unfortunately that means dealing with the everyday problems of real life, namely that Linda's income alone is not enough to support the family. Wally resolves to get a job, heading off to the garage he worked at prior to the Flashpoint, only to find that it is now a coffee shop. He interviews at every garage in Central City, but finds that the skills required to be a mechanic have changed significantly and the years-long gap in his resume is a red flag to employers. He eventually gets hired at “Speedy Lube”.

Meanwhile Mick Rory, aka Heat Wave, is told by his doctor that his cancer is terminal and he has very little time left. She advises him to put his affairs in order and spend his last days on Earth doing whatever makes him happy. With that in mind, he decides to kill the Flash.

Back at Speedy Lube, Wally's second customer of the day is Mr. Terrific, who had purchased the company and any other in the city that had “speed” in the name. He offers Wally an extremely well paid job as an engineer at Terifictech's temporal research lab. Wally is unsure if he is qualified but Terrific assures him that his mechanical skills and experience with time travel make him ideal. He gets a notification of a hospital fire and Wally races off to deal with it. He rescues the civilians but is ambushed by Heat Wave.

Appearing in "Job Hunt"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Central City Fire Department
  • Speed Lub's owner (Single appearance) (Unnamed)
  • Terrifictech employees
    • Harry (First appearance)
    • Marcy (First appearance)
    • Stevie (First appearance)
    • Thomas (First appearance)
  • Barry Allen (Mentioned only)
  • Harry's wife (Unnamed) (Mentioned only)



  • Eclipso's Glaive (First appearance; unnamed)
  • Heat Wave's Heat Gun



  • Wally West claims to have no computer skills, whereas during the events of Heroes In Crisis he was depicted as a computer expert.

See Also

Links and References
