DC Database

"Plans": Flash and Kid Flash manage to defeat Girder by magnetising his iron skin and return him to prison. Warden Wolfe claims that Girder escaped a week ago and rushes them out of the prison. His behavior and the fact that a breakout was not reported makes Wally suspicious so he and Wallace de

Quote1 Mom! You didn't tell dad about your powers. Quote2
Irey West

The Flash #782 is an issue of the series The Flash (Volume 1) with a cover date of July, 2022. It was published on May 17, 2022.

Synopsis for "Plans"

Flash and Kid Flash manage to defeat Girder by magnetising his iron skin and return him to prison. Warden Wolfe claims that Girder escaped a week ago and rushes them out of the prison. His behavior and the fact that a breakout was not reported makes Wally suspicious so he and Wallace decide to investigate further. Meanwhile, Linda has been keeping her new super-speed a secret from her family, but reveals it to the children when Irey runs into traffic and she has to save her.

Wally and Wallace sneak into Iron Heights, moving too fast for the prison's sensors to detect them. They search Wolfe's office and don't find anything incriminating but do find materials for a mayoral campaign. As they leave they discover Girder dead in his cell, but when they stop to look the sensors pick them up. They escape by phasing through the prison wall, the furthest Wallace has ever phased. Wally and Wallace return to Wally's home, but Wally is called away by the Justice League before Linda can tell him about her powers.

Appearing in "Plans"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • Wally West's Red Camaro/"Flashmobile"




See Also

Links and References
