DC Database

"The One-Minute War, Part Five: Thunder In Her Heart": Miss Murder attacks Irey West, telling her that her father is dead. Her hounds wander close to Superman, who is able to move fast enough to grab them by the tail. This distracts Miss Murder long enough for Irey to fight her off using Jai, wh

Quote1 I know how to win this war... not just win... but make it so that it never happened in the first place. Quote2
The Flash (Barry Allen)

The Flash #794 is an issue of the series The Flash (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 2023. It was published on March 7, 2023.

Synopsis for "The One-Minute War, Part Five: Thunder In Her Heart"

Miss Murder attacks Irey West, telling her that her father is dead. Her hounds wander close to Superman, who is able to move fast enough to grab them by the tail. This distracts Miss Murder long enough for Irey to fight her off using Jai, who has been made invulnerable by the excess Speed Force energy, as a weapon. Miss Murder retreats and Irey races off to save her family.

She arrives at the spire just as the Fraction are rounding up the others. She again uses Jai to drive back the guards holding Bart, Wallace and Max Mercury and tells them that she has chosen a new codename: Thunderheart. Linda and Jesse are loaded into a tank, but the driver is is revealed to be the alien speedster in disguise. The Flash Family manage to escape in the stolen tank, but Jay Garrick is captured and taken into the spire. Barry confirms to Irey that Wally is dead and she and Linda tearfully hug.

The Admiral tries to torture the Flash Family's location out of Jay but he refuses to tell. Miss Murder reports back and the Admiral dispatches soldiers to Terrifictech to collect the frozen metahumans. He tells his lieutenant Odium to hand Jay over to the Fraction's doctor for experimentation and then installation in a battery. Meanwhile at the Speed Lab, the Flash Family all mourn Wally and Iris, when Barry suddenly gets an idea on how to undo the Fraction's invasion and the deaths they caused.

At the spire, Jay spits out a loose tooth hard enough to destroy the doctor's harness and breaks free of his restraints. He knocks out the guard outside of the lab and steals his gun.

Appearing in "The One-Minute War, Part Five: Thunder In Her Heart"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Hermes' Helmet
  • Hourman's Hourglass


  • The Fraction's Ship/The Spire
  • The Fraction's Tanks


See Also

Links and References
