DC Database

"Assault on Eternity": The assembled heroes reach the Palace of Eternity in the T-Ship. They find the giant robot Mister Atom and a monstrous gorilla-like creature fighting outside. Wally says that he, Mister Terrific, Kid Flash and Hourman will go into the castle and save Wade, while the rest w

Quote1 We'll get home. I promise you. No matter how long it takes... we'll get home. Quote2
The Flash (Wally West)

The Flash #799 is an issue of the series The Flash (Volume 1) with a cover date of July, 2023. It was published on May 16, 2023.

Synopsis for "Assault on Eternity"

The assembled heroes reach the Palace of Eternity in the T-Ship. They find the giant robot Mister Atom and a monstrous gorilla-like creature fighting outside. Wally says that he, Mister Terrific, Kid Flash and Hourman will go into the castle and save Wade, while the rest will distract the monsters. The Terrifics are frozen with shock but Omega-Bam-Man and Gold Beetle gleefully leap into battle against the giants. They defeat the monsters, and tell the Terrifics that they missed the fun; when suddenly the Anti-Monitor appears. They charge towards the cosmic destroyer, giddy with excitement.

Wally and the others break into the Palace, where they find Granny, Wade and three young boys known as the Furious; her attempt to create a private army outside Darkseid's control. Wally runs to take Wade from Granny, but one of the boys blasts him away with a Fatherbox. The heroes fight the Furious but hold back because they are children, allowing the boys to get the upper hand. Granny takes Wade into the Forever Corridor, telling the Furious to kill the heroes while she is gone.

In a rage, Wally breaks free and chases her into the corridor, but she uses the Eternity Mind to extend the corridor faster than he can run so he cannot reach her. Granny gloats that she stole the Furious away from their families and raised them to fight for her, also revealing that one of them is Mister Terrific's son who Michael believed was miscarried. She says she will do the same to Wade, and in his anger Wally manages to run faster than the Eternity Mind. He closes the space between them, punches out Granny, smashes the Eternity Mind and takes Wade back. She Boom Tubes away and the Palace begins to collapse.

Wally runs back into the main chamber and tells the others that they need to leave. The Furious demand to know where Granny is and he tells them that she abandoned them, and tells them that they are not orphans as they believed but were stolen from their real families. He also reveals to Mister Terrific that the boy with the Fatherboxes is his son, and to Michael's shock a scan confirms it. Wally promises the other boys he will find out who they really are and return them to their homes.

They run outside and to their surprise find the Terrifics, Gold Beetle and OBM standing over the unconscious Anti-Monitor. They all retreat to the T-Ship and blast off just as the Palace collapses in on itself. Mister Terrific tells them that the Worlogog is damaged and he cannot navigate them back to home.

The T-Ship appears in the sky over the West's home. Although they have arrived the day after they left, from their perspective they have been gone for months. Wally's hair and beard have grown considerably and he is wearing the costume he wore when he first returned from the Speed Force. He beams down with Wade and they reunite with Linda. She asks him what happened and he replies that it doesn't matter, he's just glad to be home.

Appearing in "Assault on Eternity"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • T-Ship



  • Jeremy Adams confirmed the two unnamed members of the Furious are Cerdian the long lost son of Garth and Robbie Long, the son of Donna Troy.[1]
    • He also implied that the heroes' adventures through Hypertime, including Wally wearing his Rebirth suit, will be eventually explored some time in the future.[2]


  • As she introduces Cerdian, Granny Goodness mentions that he died during "an undersea attack" which is a reference to the The Spectre's attack on Atlantis from Infinite Crisis #3.
    • Similarly, she refers to Robbie Long as "destined to become a Lord of Chaos" which is a nod to his future counterpart, Lord Chaos.

See Also

Links and References
