It's Argus... Boy's been beaten to within an inch of his life! Who did this to him?
The Flash (Volume 2) #126 is an issue of the series The Flash (Volume 2) with a cover date of June, 1997. It was published on April 30, 1997.
Synopsis for "Trial Run"
Flash vibrates through the ground and then runs along the San Andreas Fault, countering the seismic frequency with his speed, stopping the tremors from triggering The Big One. When he returns to the seismic equipment that caused the tremors, Major Disaster has escaped.
Back in Keystone City, Linda Park reports on disasters befalling the city that include fires and iced bridges. Jay Garrick suits up and leaves the house to help with the disasters and finds Argus, tied up and hanging upside down from a tree in the yard. As he looks on, Captain Boomerang and Weather Wizard approach Jay from behind.
Flash runs through Santa Marta and finds Major Disaster on the roof of a building. Major Disaster tells Flash that the seismic waves he caused also triggered a tidal wave. Flash looks to the sea and sees a massive tidal wave about to hit the city. At super speed, Flash erects a wall of sandbags and digs a crevasse to hold back the water. But the tidal wave is too big. It hits the city and Flash outruns the wave, which floods the city. Flash sits atop a hill and tells himself Keystone City was right: He attracts danger and they are better off without him.
In Keystone City, the city is aflame. Keystone's police chief is trying to organize the rescue effort, when the Rogues appear and surround him.
Appearing in "Trial Run"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Santa Marta, California
- Keystone City