DC Database

"Lightning in a Bottle": Flash is being arrested at a police station in Keystone City. When he tells them he is the Flash: The Fastest Man Alive, they act as though they've never heard of him. Flash tries to run away, but he has no speed. As he is being roughed up

Quote1 In a bit of a fix, Flash -- ain't we? Quote2
Captain Cold

The Flash (Volume 2) #164 is an issue of the series The Flash (Volume 2) with a cover date of September, 2000.

Synopsis for "Lightning in a Bottle"

Flash is being arrested at a police station in Keystone City. When he tells them he is the Flash: The Fastest Man Alive, they act as though they've never heard of him. Flash tries to run away, but he has no speed. As he is being roughed up by the cops, the news on the TV announces the tenth anniversary of Aquaman's death. Flash blacks out and is thrown in a jail cell.

When he wakes up after having a nightmare involving a demonic looking Jason Garrick, a social worker named Fiona comes and visits him. She gives him a drink of water and asks him some questions. As it turns out, the water was drugged with a tranquilizer and truth serum. Fiona who seems to be showing a demonic grin on her face talks about him being a school teacher and obviously he is quite mad. Flash begins to believe he's going crazy, but the wedding ring on his finger helps him remember who he is. Through the bars of the prison cell Flash is able to look at the street and he is perplexed to see none other than Barry Allen. Of course he wants to talk to Barry and, thus, Flash tries to vibrate out of the jail cell, but is unsuccessful. Suddenly, Captain Cold arrives, freezes the prison guard (whom Flash recognized as Mick Rory) and greets the Flash.

Appearing in "Lightning in a Bottle"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Fred Chyre (Mirror Universe)
  • Mick Rory (Mirror Universe) (Dies)

Other Characters:




See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
