The Flash (Volume 2) with a cover date of November, 2003. It was published on September 24, 2003.
Synopsis for "Ignition: Part Two: Shifting Gears"
Wally West is determined to see if he can activate his speed powers again, except on purpose this time.[1] He tapes his shoes to prepare them for the friction and begins running along the tarmac at the airport, laying down a trail of fire behind due to his speed.
Elsewhere in the city, the police continue picking up parts of dead cops who have been frozen to death. Wally West and Linda Park go shopping for a new truck due to Wally's accident.[2]
Later, at work as a mechanic for the police, Wally's boss, Mr. Wheeler, tells him about the current cop killings and how they've all been frozen to death. Some detectives come in to talk to Wheeler about one of the cars that is evidence in a murder case. They give Wally a rough time using back-handed comments about him just being a mechanic and Wally gets hot under the collar. He takes a break and goes for a walk.
The same dragster causing Wally's initial accident, flies by influencing Wally to walk down an ally. He is stopped by three thugs and Wally talks back expecting to be able to slow down time. He's unable to activate his powers and they rough him up. When one of the thugs pulls out a gun and fires at Wally, time slows down and Wally plucks the bullet out of the air. They look shocked and all fire at him. Wally moves around at super speed and a nearby building falls on him. His ring spits out a Flash costume in the rubble.
Appearing in "Ignition: Part Two: Shifting Gears"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Alexander Petrov
- Detective Morillo
- Linda Park
- Mr. Wheeler
Other Characters: