DC Database

"Running on the Edge": After Wally West held a barbeque with old and new friends, everybody watches TV as Linda Park interviews Dr. Celia McGrath, a mystic who claims to be able to channel the spirit of an Atlante

The Flash (Volume 2) #36 is an issue of the series The Flash (Volume 2) with a cover date of March, 1990.

Synopsis for "Running on the Edge"

After Wally West held a barbeque with old and new friends, everybody watches TV as Linda Park interviews Dr. Celia McGrath, a mystic who claims to be able to channel the spirit of an Atlantean priest named Llar-Twnakc. Suddenly, terrorists enter the TV studio and take Linda and her guest hostage. Flash immediately leaves his home to come their aid. He easily defeats the terrorists, but as Dr. McGrath invites Wally to visit one of her seminars to unlock his untapped potential, Linda Park becomes very sceptical about her ...

Appearing in "Running on the Edge"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • "Terrorists"

Other Characters:




See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
