DC Database

"Speed McGee!": Tina McGee announces to her husband Jerry that she's leaving him for Wally West. Enraged, the jealous Jerry beats Tina and then heads to his laboratory, where he injects himself with [[steroid B-Q19

Quote1 Didn't feel a thing. Quote2
Jerry McGee

The Flash (Volume 2) #5 is an issue of the series The Flash (Volume 2) with a cover date of October, 1987.

Synopsis for "Speed McGee!"

Tina McGee announces to her husband Jerry that she's leaving him for Wally West. Enraged, the jealous Jerry beats Tina and then heads to his laboratory, where he injects himself with steroid B-Q19, granting himself superspeed.

Wally receives a call from Tina and they meet for lunch in Manhattan. Following a tip from a private investigator he hired, Jerry follows them, wearing a purple and yellow costume. He has trouble adjusting to his new speed, and constantly runs into things.

Wally takes Tina back to his mansion. Later, his father arrives unexpectedly, announcing marital and financial troubles. Wally and Tina go to dinner, where they run into Mister Gilchrist, the president of the local city council. Gilchrist had written an editorial denouncing the Flash's presence in the community. The liability insurance created by having a super-powered resident was costing the town dearly.

That night, Jerry McGee breaks into Wally's mansion and attacks, injuring Wally and taking Tina. Speeding out of control during his escape, McGee crashes into a Texaco fuel depot, causing a massive explosion.

Appearing in "Speed McGee!"

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See Also

Links and References
