The Flash (Volume 5) #29 is an issue of the series The Flash (Volume 5) with a cover date of October, 2017. It was published on August 23, 2017.
Synopsis for "Negative, Part Two"
At home, Barry Allen lowers himself into a bathtub full of icewater. Earlier in the day Barry narrowly won a fight with Shrapnel by using a new aspect of his Negative Speed Force powers. Now Barry nurses his bruises and aches, which his super-speed metabolism would ordinarily have healed by now. Removing his battered costume, Barry blames himself for the death of the Road Reapers and berates himself for letting his anger drive him to rush into the encounter. He tries to be optimistic as usual, but can't help but continue to question the rectitude of his identity as The Flash.
In the Crime Lab at CCPD, Barry wonders who the secretive new crime boss could be. Kristen has been hard at work on the missing evidence case, and has been stymied by Barry's absence. They steal some evidence from the coroner's evidence lockup to demonstrate how easy it would be for a CCPD officer to do so, and then rendezvous with Detectives Burns and Morrow to discuss the case. Detective Burns shares her intolerance for dirty police from her time as a GCPD officer, and Detective Morrow states that he suspects Captain Singh as the evidence thief. After Kristen leaves, Barry builds on a theory she had and concludes that the only evidence stolen was blood-related biological samples. The detectives suggest that they bring their findings to Singh, but Barry dismisses their advice and hurries to the Records Room to find who might have been viewing blood-related records. Barry is eager to rededicate himself to the investigation in order to show everyone that he is still a good police officer and to show himself that he doesn't need to have superpowers to be a hero.
Upon entering the Records Room, Barry discovers that the staff have been violently knocked out and that a fire has been set which is quickly consuming the building. Refusing to use his Negative Speed Force Powers, Barry begins moving the incapacitated victims away from the blaze. However, Barry succumbs to the pain from his injuries sustained earlier in the day and passes out amidst the spreading flames.
Appearing in "Negative, Part Two"
Featured Characters:
- The Flash (Barry Allen) (Infected) (Flashback and main story)
Supporting Characters:
- Central City Police Department (Flashback and main story)
- Detective Burns
- Danny (Single appearance) (Apparent death)
- Kristen Kramer
- Detective Morrow
- Ramsey
- Shrapnel (Flashback only)
- Unnamed killer (Behind the scenes)
Other Characters:
- Godspeed (On a TV or computer screen) (Cameo)
- Iron Heights guards (Flashback only)
- Papercut (On a TV or computer screen) (Cameo)
- Road Reapers (Only as corpses) (Flashback only)
- Rogues (On a TV or computer screen) (Cameo)
- Captain Cold (On a TV or computer screen) (Cameo)
- Golden Glider (On a TV or computer screen) (Cameo)
- Heat Wave (On a TV or computer screen) (Cameo)
- Mirror Master (On a TV or computer screen) (Cameo)
- Trickster (Axel Walker) (On a TV or computer screen) (Cameo)
- Weather Wizard (On a TV or computer screen) (Cameo)
- Tar Pit (On a TV or computer screen) (Cameo)
- Alfred Pennyworth (Mentioned only)
- Batman (Mentioned only)
- Captain Boomerang (Mentioned only)
- David Singh (Mentioned only)
- Fred Chyre (Mentioned only)
- Gorilla Grodd (Mentioned only)
- Reverse-Flash (Eobard Thawne) (Mentioned only)
- Two-Face (Mentioned only)
- Earth 0
- Central City (Flashback and main story)
- Barry Allen's Apartment
- CCPD Headquarters
- CCPD Morgue
- Central City Crime Lab
- Records Room
- Chyre's Pub
- Gotham City (Mentioned only)
- Keystone City
- Iron Heights (Mentioned only)
- Central City (Flashback and main story)
- Negative Speed Force (Behind the scenes)
- Speed Force (Mentioned only)
- Captain Cold's Cold Gun (Mentioned only)
- Trick Boomerangs
See Also