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"Issue Nine: The Crown": The Crown of Thawnes; made up of the consciousnesses of millions of Reverse-Flashes around the Multiverse who erased themselves from their world's timelines, force Barry to run to Iris' house and try to make him attack her, but he refuses and runs off. Meanwhile on the L

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Quote1 I could've kicked you out any moment since I realized who you are. But you do so love to monologue. Quote2
The Flash (Barry Allen)

The Flash (Volume 6) #9 is an issue of the series The Flash (Volume 6) with a cover date of July, 2024. It was published on May 28, 2024.

Synopsis for "Issue Nine: The Crown"

The Crown of Thawnes; made up of the consciousnesses of millions of Reverse-Flashes around the Multiverse who erased themselves from their world's timelines, force Barry to run to Iris' house and try to make him attack her, but he refuses and runs off. Meanwhile on the Linear Bureau's station, Jai has been able to use energy from a cosmic spider to open a viewport to the Gallery of Moments. He sees Wally turn all the statues so they face away from him, but one keeps moving back to look at him. Jai can't make out the statue, which is revealed to be Nightwing. The viewscreen fails and Pilgrim tells him to hang around while he and Rathaway go to deal with something. They leave through a portal, and Jai covertly creates two animated homunculi.

The Crown makes Barry get a knife and run to a playground where Iris has met up with Linda and Wade. It tries to make Barry kill Linda, but at the sight of Iris he is able to resist it and collapses to the ground. He tells them to run, but Linda instantly recognizes that he is possessed and calmly says that she will stay with him, because if he is taken over they couldn't possibly escape anyway.

Wally teleports from the Gallery of Moments to Nightwing on the roof of Titans Tower. Dick tells Wally that they're in crisis and asks where he has been, but Wally does not recognize him. Wally tells Dick that his statue is the only one that keep turning back to face him in the Gallery and asks Dick to stop thinking about him. He says that he needs to cut himself off from the people he loves for their own good, but Dick replies that no matter what is going on, Wally is the best person he knows and that he is making a mistake. Wally returns to the Gallery, but as he disappears he calls Dick by name, showing that he remembers, and Dick says that he knows he'll see Wally again. Jai secretly listens in on their conversation.

At the playground, Linda and Iris watch Barry struggle with the crown, running around and writhing in pain. Iris tactfully tries to ask Linda if she is suffering from post-natal depression, and Linda replies that she doesn't feel anything, despite all the disasters going on around her. The Crown can't subdue Barry and so calls on Abra Kadabra, who is standing nearby invisibly, to use his psychic flayer on Barry. However as soon as he does, Rathaway and Pilgrim teleport in, saying they need to take Wade away for his own safety. Barry yells at Rathaway that Abra is nearby and using hypnotic tones on Linda. Hartley breaks out his flute and plays a counter-frequency, breaking Abra's control on Linda and making him visible.

Linda immediately return to normal and angrily punches Abra out, then demands to know why Pilgrim wants her baby. He unmasks to show her his face, promising that Wade will be safe with him. She is stunned but agrees to let him take Wade. Iris asks her if she is sure but Linda says she is thinking clearly for the first time in months. Barry realizes that everything that has been happening has been a conspiracy by the Rogues to keep Wally isolated and forces Thawne out of his mind, which he could have done at any time but held off on as he knew his megalomaniacal foe wouldn't be able to resist telling him everything. Barry tells Pilgrim that he is wrong about the speedsters destroying the universe, and that the Rogues and Arc Angles are trying to turn Wally into some kind of weapon. Before Barry can say any more a rocket flies in. He easily catches it but it generates a hologram which tells him the missile is now affixed to his hand and he has ten seconds before it goes off. Pilgrim and Rathaway take Wade back to the station and Barry runs to get away from civilians.

Inspector Pilgrim and Rathaway return to the station to put Wade in stasis with the others, but finds Jai in there, having sent one of the homunculi through the vents. He demands to know what Pilgrim is up to and why he has Wade. Pilgrim tells Jai that the Arc Angles ordered him to destroy all the speedsters to save the universe, but he has chosen to imprison rather than kill them. He unmasks to reveal that he is Wade from the future, and promises that he won't let their family die.

Meanwhile, Barry runs onto the ocean and phases through the missile, letting it harmlessly drop into the water. Suddenly energy blasts appear from nowhere and he realizes that someone has been following him and hiding by bleeding off his excess Speed Force energy. He heads to an uninhabited island and tells his attacker to come out and face him. A figure in a huge suit of power armour emerges and charges him.

Appearing in "Issue Nine: The Crown"

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