DC Database

"Slave Lords of the Stars": The Dhorians are auctioning Earth to the highest bidder on behalf of the Blackstar Squadron. It is purchased by Shepherd, who presents himself as a benevolent collector who will look after the Earthlin

Quote1 Planet Earth -- you are Gamma intoxicated and clearly no longer in control of your decisions or your actions. I'm placing all of you under arrest until you come to your senses. Quote2
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)

The Green Lantern #3 is an issue of the series The Green Lantern (Volume 1) with a cover date of March, 2019. It was published on January 9, 2019.

Synopsis for "Slave Lords of the Stars"

The Dhorians are auctioning Earth to the highest bidder on behalf of the Blackstar Squadron. It is purchased by Shepherd, who presents himself as a benevolent collector who will look after the Earthlings but in reality is a galactic thief that fattens up worlds and consumes them. He uses a fine mist that he sprays across the planet to leave all intelligent life drunk and in support of his cause. Green Lantern Hal Jordan places the planet under arrest until they are sober and can make decisions for themselves.

Other members of the Green Lantern Corps arrest several of the despots looking to buy the world and find that the Dhorians' ship is powered by slaves. Jordan lashes out in anger and kills lead Dhorian Volgar Zo.

Appearing in "Slave Lords of the Stars"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • Gelgoth's Warship (Single appearance) (Cameo)
  • Dhorian Vessel (Single appearance)
  • Space Sanctuary (Single appearance)



  • Collected in The Green Lantern Volume 1: Intergalactic Lawman

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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