The In-Between is a void dimension which, according to Deadman, technically does not exist and, at the same time, it exists everywhere and nowhere. It is a realm of nothing outside the Multiverse where life and death have no meaning: here, even the space-altering abilities of the God Scraper are nullified as it is impossible to escape this dimension.
The New 52
DC Rebirth
Infinite Frontier
After the rebirth of the Multiverse, Wonder Woman ended up in the Sphere of the Gods where she was supposed to live in Mount Olympus along with the other Greek Gods.[1] However, she somehow found herself in Asgard where, as she began dying many times, her spirit was redirected each time to the In-Between[1][2][3][4] by Deadman who projected his mind here to meet up with his superhero friend. According to the undead hero, he had never come to the In-Between with his physical body.[5]
Later, after the future aspect of the Roman God Janus began ravaging the Sphere of the Gods and captured Deadman,[6] Wonder Woman chased her through the realities until Janus opened a portal to the In-Between where she had previously taken the dead body of Boston Brand; the Amazon superhero also traveled to this dimension,[7] which she recognized from her time in Asgard.[5]
After Diana and her friends were able to resurrect Boston Brand and attacked Janus, the Roman God tried to escape but the rules of the In-Between prevented her from running away. The heroes then managed to subdue the evil god, thanks to the help of the Norns, and eventually left the realm after Wonder Woman chose to return to Earth 0.[5]
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- Although it has appeared in many Modern Age comics, The In-Between is first named in Simon Dark #13.
- The In-Between made its Post-Flashpoint appearance in Demon Knights #4.
See Also
- Appearances of The In-Between
- Location Gallery: The In-Between
- Catalogued images related to The In-Between