DC Database

"Down and Out in Heaven and Hell, Part One": After being freed from the Harmony House by King Mob, Dane McGowan is homeless, wandering the streets of London, listening to [[Gideon Starorzewski (Invisibles)||a man on a soapbox

Quote1 Got any change, mister? Quote2
Dane McGowan

The Invisibles #2 is an issue of the series The Invisibles (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 1994.

Synopsis for "Down and Out in Heaven and Hell, Part One"

After being freed from the Harmony House by King Mob,[1] Dane McGowan is homeless, wandering the streets of London, listening to |a man on a soapbox proclaim that everyone's thoughts are being interfered with by radio frequencies. He slumps in a subway station next to another homeless youth and the two are serenaded by Mad Tom, a much older street person who speaks in nonsense and rhyme.

Dane wanders off and smashes a shop window out of frustration. He runs from a police officer and Mad Tom rescues him from being apprehended by making him invisible using magic. The two wander around begging and Mad Tom claims to make the rain disappear by magical means.

Later, Dane sells papers to try to make enough money for food and he sees a young woman chased by men dressed in hunting gear. They corner and kill her in the subway station. Tom leads him down into subterranean London and the two smoke blue mold that grows in a special section of broken down subway. He sees visions of aliens and the word "BARBELiTH" written on the wall before awakening topside again. He quickly realizes this is not the London he knows: Big Ben is backwards, statues sit in the River Thames, and everyone is dressed wrong. Tom asks him if he wants to join him and he says that he does.

Dane comes to in a pile of trash and when he stumbles to his feet, he finds fox hunters like the ones he saw before.

Appearing in "Down and Out in Heaven and Hell, Part One"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Invisibles
    • Boy (First appearance)
    • King Mob
    • Lord Fanny (First appearance)
    • Ragged Robin
  • Mad Tom
  • Kate (First appearance)


  • Miles Delacourt (First appearance)



See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
