The Joker: Endgame is a collection of the main storyline of Endgame, as well as the tie-in one-shots.
This trade paperback reprints stories from the following issues:
- Batman Annual (Volume 2) #3: "Friends"
- Batman (Volume 2) #35: "Endgame, Part One" and "The Pale Man"
- Batman (Volume 2) #36: "Endgame, Part Two" and "Saved"
- Arkham Manor: Endgame #1: "Arkham Manor: Endgame"
- Batman (Volume 2) #37: "Endgame, Part Three" and "The First Laugh"
- Detective Comics: Endgame #1: "The Beginning..."
- Batman (Volume 2) #38: "Endgame, Part Four" and "Heart"
- Gotham Academy: Endgame #1: "Joker Jitters"
- Batgirl: Endgame #1: "The Battle for the Burnside Bridge"
- Batman (Volume 2) #39: "Endgame, Part Five" and "The Last Smile"
- Batman (Volume 2) #40: "Endgame, Part Six"