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"To the Stars By Hard Ways: Part 3": Jeb Kent is still with the Jesse James gang.

Quote1 You are my world. You are my home. You are my heart and soul and my one true love. Now be my wife, Mary Glenowen. Quote2
Nate Kent

The Kents #11 is an issue of the series The Kents (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 1998.

Synopsis for "To the Stars By Hard Ways: Part 3"

Jeb Kent is still with the Jesse James gang.

Nate Kent goes to Hays City, Kansas and asks for Bill Hickock at the Sheriff's office. Hickock tosses Nate a tin star and tells him he needs a deputy. Nate tells Bill he has to think about it. He goes to talk to Joshua about it.

Scalphunter goes to visit Mary Glenowen and tells him what a good man Nate is. She tells him to pass a message to Nate.

The Jesse James gang goes to Hays City.

Brian Savage gets Mary's message to Nate and the two of them ride away so Nate can go see Mary. He proposes to Mary and the two wed.

Another town in Kansas recruits Nate to be their new sheriff. Nate and Mary move to Smallville.

Appearing in "To the Stars By Hard Ways: Part 3"

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