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"Bleeding Kansas: Part 4": Nate Kent rides to his neighbor's place, Tobias Freeman. He introduces himself and asks Tobias to teach him a bit about farming.

Quote1 Bill Hickock, you're a damn fool! Quote2
Nate Kent

The Kents #4 is an issue of the series The Kents (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1997.

Synopsis for "Bleeding Kansas: Part 4"

Nate Kent rides to his neighbor's place, Tobias Freeman. He introduces himself and asks Tobias to teach him a bit about farming.

Jeb and Nate Kent get into a fight over a girl.

Jeb starts hanging out with a group of men who commit murder.

Bill Quantrill and a couple friends show up at the Freeman place and tell Tobias he and his family are going to be sold as slaves once more. Nate arrives, points his gun at Bill and tells him he's going to turn Bill in to the authorities. Jeb, on horseback points his gun at Nate and tells him to walk away. Nate doesn't and Jeb shoots him in the arm. Then Jeb and Bill toss a lit torch on the Freeman's cabin.

Nate awakens in a bed, being cared for by Mary Glenowen. She tells him Tobias and Sarah were dragged off. Joshua is there in the room with them. Nate sleeps. When he is fully healed he rides off, set on finding and freeing Tobias and Sarah.

Appearing in "Bleeding Kansas: Part 4"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Tobias Freeman
  • Joshua Freeman
  • Sarah Freeman


Other Characters:




See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
