The Phantom Stranger (Volume 2) #7 is an issue of the series The Phantom Stranger (Volume 2) with a cover date of June, 1970.
Synopsis for "The Curse"
Mr. Square, Wild Rose, Spartacus, and Attila are heading to Vulcan Castle, along the way their sail boat is attacked by Tala, who is once more fought off by the Phantom Stranger. Their saved from their derelict ship by Dr. Thirteen who is also going to the castle to determine if Vanessa Vulcan is indeed cursed to that every man she kisses ends up dying. After the Phantom Stranger saves Vanessa from Tala. Before hearing the story of the curse, both Dr. Thirteen and Phantom Stranger tell similar stories that support each man's beliefs.
The Curse of Shaft Seven:
Dr. Thirteen tells of a case where he was hired to investigate a haunted mine shaft, that has been terrorized by a glowing skeleton, following the death of minder Abel Krone. After investigating the situation, Thirteen learns that the "ghost" is really Abel Krone's twin brother.
Curse of the Sea Siren:
The Phantom Stranger tells of how he got involved with a ships crew who's captain was influenced by a haunted ships mast, and how he knocks it into the sea so that it cannot influence anyone again.
With their stories finished, the group listens to Vanessa's tales of suitor after suitor apparently dieing as if by some curse. However, checking out the tomb where all these men are buried, the find that the first victim, Nicholas Curse, is still alive. It turns out that the Curse family has been getting revenge against the Vulcan family for their wealth. When Nicholas fires a gun, Dr. Thirteen gets in the way of the bullet, and the Phantom Stranger goes after him. Curse stumbles off a cliff and plummets to his death.
After being mocked by Tala, the Phantom Stranger departs once more leaving the others to think about the whole ordeal.
Appearing in "The Curse"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Tala
- Thomas (Single appearance)
- Nicholas (Single appearance; dies)
- Vincent Krone (Dies in flashback)
Other Characters:
- Vanessa Vulcan
- Andrew Vulcan
- Count Druga (Flashback only)
- Selena (Single appearance)
- Bill (Flashback only)
- Frank (Flashback only)
- Nick (Dies in flashback)
- Lee Philips (Dies in flashback)
- Michael Lipton (Dies in flashback)
- Willam Howell (Dies in flashback)
- Vulcan Castle
- This issue is reprinted in Showcase Presents: The Phantom Stranger Vol. 1.
See Also