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"Something Wicked This Way Comes...": On Alcatraz Island, Skyrocket leads the team against the Dragoneer but takes a full-on blast from the warrior, furious that the Power Company has interrupted his invocation of mass destruction. Not far away, Strike Force, waiting to take on a supposedly weak

The Power Company #3 is an issue of the series The Power Company (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 2002. It was published on April 10, 2002.

Synopsis for "Something Wicked This Way Comes..."

On Alcatraz Island, Skyrocket leads the team against the Dragoneer but takes a full-on blast from the warrior, furious that the Power Company has interrupted his invocation of mass destruction. Not far away, Strike Force, waiting to take on a supposedly weakened winner of the fight, makes plans to grab the Godstone and safely evacuate. He tells his employer, the impatient Doctor Cyber, that she'll get her Godstone when it's safe for them to do so. While some of the Power Company destroy a series of stone dragon constructs created by Dragoneer, Bork takes on the dragon Fireheart one-on-one. As the Dragoneer returns to his invocation at the portal, Skyrocket, peripherally aware that news choppers are hovering, orders Witchfire to sneak around behind Dragoneer and disrupt his invocation. Witchfire objects, wanting to do a grandstand run directly at him, but Manhunter steps in and yells at her to follow orders or else. Striker Z provides the ever-complaining Witcher with a diversion, in which he takes some serious hits, to allow her to attack from the rear, but Dragoneer adjusts and retaliates. Skyrocket begins to give orders to the team but is attacked from behind by one of the dragon constructs. As Manhunter goes down and Bork is blasted by Dragoneer, the team goes down to defeat.

Watching this from the office building, Josiah Power, after a moment of indecision about his company, decides to risk it all and enter the fray himself, and orders his employee Raul to take him to the island. Skyrocket, held suspended in the air like the rest of her team, tries to encourage them but Dragoneer interrupts with his promise that once the Doubled Moon appears the Gate will follow with the Ice Blue Shadow, and then the arrival of his lord to first devour the team's souls as tribute and then on with the domination of Earth. Amongst the shrieking winds the Dragoneer is finally about to open the Gate when Strike Force launches a surprise attack in its bid to grab the entire Godstone. Given a momentary reprieve, the Power Company, with the exception of the wounded Striker Z regroups and tries another sally against the Dragoneer, who now is about to kill them for their insolence. With the others engaged with the warrior, Striker Z, hurting from broken ribs, just manages to get one last shot off and it appears to set off a cataclysmic explosion with energy rippling back and forth over the island. The Doubled Moon breaks, the Gate closes, and the Godstone shatters.

Soon quiet reigns, and the team starts moving around, looking at the form of the Dragoneer and Fireheart on the ground. Realizing what Striker-Z had accomplished, Skyrocket begins to reassess her feeling about the group. Elsewhere, Doctor Cyber orders her subordinate, Ariadne, to cut off all contact with Strike Force, who seem to have disappeared, and destroy or erase anything that can lead back to her connection with them. Later, near the Power Company offices, Candy Gennaro patiently waits for them to get back, knowing they'll give her what she wants. On Alcatraz, the Dragoneer, still threatening everyone with death, is placed into null-power handcuffs and hustled away. Striker-Z is taken to the hospital while the others are surrounded by new-found fans. Asked again by Josiah whether she'll join the team or not, Skyrocket hems and haws a bit but finally agrees to join up officially As she looks around the island, she wonders just what it was the Dragoneer was trying to bring through.

Appearing in "Something Wicked This Way Comes..."

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


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See Also

Links and References
