The Programme (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 2008.
Synopsis for "The President of the United States is a Dangerous Psychopath"
Prof. Korovin and the Russian dolls reunite in southern Talibstan. Pravda detects the three American nuclear warheads that are heading towards them. As the first missile detonates, the dolls and Korovin gather together as the other missiles engulf the entire region.
Max is at a different bar watching the news of the bombings in Talibstan. Cindy finds him and takes him home.
The President declares to the American people that the Russian dolls are dead from the nuclear conflagration as the nation celebrates. However, in his office, the President is deeply regretful for launching the nuclear attack. He is then met by Stella Blake who informs him that Senator Joe is being kept in an artificial coma following his fight with Max. This leaves Joe's survival as a testimony to his powers of recovery. Nothing is decided for Joe with the supposed annihilation of the dolls as does for Max.
Mike Hinks meets Max at his bar, wanting to tell him his reasons for reprogramming him in the 1960s over fears that he would turn Max into a war machine. Max questions him if it is possible to remove his powers, to which Hinks replies that removing them would kill him. He then tells him to make the most of it.
In Las Vegas, Korovin, Stalingrad, and Pravda escape their deaths, due to the latter's reality warping powers, to a hotel suite. The Spirit of Lenin and Revolution appears shortly later on the Vegas Strip. They then proceed to lay waste to the city.
The President is notified of the dolls' attack on Las Vegas and also learns that the attack causes nation-wide panic and confusion. The President refuses to send out another nuclear attack on the dolls.
Max, motivated by what Hinks told him, dresses to fight against the Russian dolls. He receives a call from Blake, requiring him to work with Senator Joe in order to have a better chance to defeat the dolls. As Max protests working with the right-wing superhero, Korovin and Pravda appears in Blake's office.
Appearing in "The President of the United States is a Dangerous Psychopath"
Featured Characters:
- Max Keane
Supporting Characters:
- Stella Blake
- Mike Hinks
- Cindy
- Vladimir Korovin
- The Spirit of Lenin
- Pravda
- Revolution
- Stalingrad
Other Characters:
- Senator Joe
- Talibstan
- Las Vegas
See Also