The Programme (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 2008.
Synopsis for "We The People"
Korovin reveals his origins to Senator Joe: his mother was born in Alabama around 1933 and moved to Los Angeles. There, she was arrested for prostitution. While in prison, her eggs were forcefully removed from her by the government before she was murdered to guarantee her silence. The eggs were then grown into Senator Joe. This revelation greatly shattered Joe's mental stability and is further to shown to the past of racial discrimination and violence by Pravda.
Meanwhile, the Professor leads his followers in attacking the same black church. However, they are ambushed by gang members that are hired by the pastor and forcing the Professor to escape without some of his followers. Only one of the Professor's men is left alive who is then spared by the pastor and taken prisoner by the leader of the gang, Jimil.
A wounded Max comes up to a building to where a black family are trapped on one of the building's floor before collapsing. Korovin learns from the Spirit of Lenin that his epilepsy distracted his comrades and allowed Max escape. Korovin orders that Max be found before becoming a symbol for the Americans.
Meanwhile, the Professor earns support from the local military in justifying their resistance against blacks for protection over whites, claiming that the race war is escalating.
Jimil informs the pastor that they have gained more allies among the black gang community. Though the pastor reasons with him that the gangs are only to protect the community, not wage a "Jihad". The church is then attacked by the military forces that sided with the Professor.
Agent Chivers and Mike Hinks are watching the race war unfold on national television from a hospital where Chivers is attending for his injuries from Senator Joe. Hinks was summoned to Chivers and admitted that he is still an American patriot after seeing what the Russian dolls devastated Las Vegas. As Hinks leaves, he hears Stella Blake's voice.
Chivers calls Agent McCoy, telling him about Hinks and believes he maybe prove useful for their own end if by coercion.
Max, fully recovers, tries to fly the family down the building. However, he is found by Stalingrad. After knocking him down, Max flies the family down. Stalingrad recovers and attacks Max.
Following the military's attack, the pastor, members of the community, and the gang members recuperate. They are unexpectedly visited by Senator Joe, who he is here to help and protect them from "the evil empire" he came to destroy.
Appearing in "We The People"
Featured Characters:
- Senator Joe
- Max Keane
Supporting Characters:
- Mike Hinks
- Chivers
- Vladimir Korovin
- Pravda
- Spirit of Lenin
- Stalingrad
- Revolution
Other Characters:
- Jimil
- McCoy
See Also