The Question #31 is an issue of the series The Question (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 1989.
Synopsis for "Boom The End"
The Question learns that Hell's Acres, the building where he grew up, is about to be demolished. The day before the building is slated to be blown up, Vic goes to visit the site. While there, Izzy O'toole arrives and asks him if he's seen Myra Fermin.
Meanwhile, drug dealers have shot Myra full of drugs and are holding her in one of the rooms in Hell's Acres. They figure that if the Mayor is inside the building it won't be blown up.
Vic goes in search of Myra. He has a hunch that he should search Hell's Acres before it blows up. He finds a water tunnel leading into the site, and heads in.
By this time, Myra has escaped from her kidnappers, and they are searching for her as well. The Question runs into the drug dealers, and takes them down. After some more searching, he finds Myra with one minute before the demolition.
The building blows up, however, Myra and Vic mange to find safety in the abandoned water tunnel he used to get inside.
Vic begins to cry as Myra holds him. She kisses him and soon they are making love in the ruins.
Appearing in "Boom The End"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Skally
- Hooley (Dies)
Other Characters:
- Aristotle Rodor
- Julie
- Lady Shiva
- Hal Busby
- Hub City
- Hell's Acres (Destroyed)
See Also