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"The Phantom Of The Woodstock Festival": Three young people on their way to the Woodstock Music Festival stop at an abandoned house for the night. They are in desperate need of shelter and decide to use the house for an overnight stay. As they search through the house, they discover an old Key

The Unexpected #122 is an issue of the series The Unexpected (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 1971.

Synopsis for "The Phantom Of The Woodstock Festival"

Three young people on their way to the Woodstock Music Festival stop at an abandoned house for the night. They are in desperate need of shelter and decide to use the house for an overnight stay. As they search through the house, they discover an old Key organ that emits a unique sound. They decide to take the organ with them to Woodstock in hopes that it will bring attention to their band. They settle in for the night but the female in the group, Trina suddenly awakes to the sound of a summoning voice. Trina follows the voice while in a hypnotic state and discovers that it is coming from a hooded figure who resembles the Phantom of the Opera. The hooded figure states that he came to the house years ago when the world rejected his music. He goes on to state that Trina must stay with him forever without leaving so that she can sing for him. Trina attempts to escape and struggles with the man in the hooded cloak. She suddenly pulls off the hood to reveal a grotesque face underneath. In the meantime, Trina's two friends are in search of her but they become trapped in an airtight room. While in the room they discover an old parchment with music. They begin playing the sheet music on the organ and discover that the sound starts to create an opening in the door. They continue playing until the door opens fully and they are able to escape the room. They search the house once more and confront the hooded figure as he tries to abduct Trina. They overpower the man in the hooded cloak and make their escape. The next morning they are at Woodstock and one of them reveals that he has the sheet music parchment in his possession. He hopes to play the music in hopes of bringing attention to their band. The parchment suddenly flies from his hand and is trampled by the crowd, lost forever.

Appearing in "The Phantom Of The Woodstock Festival"


  • 3 musicians
  • Phantom of the Festival


Synopsis for "Lady Killer"

A man enters a department store every night at closing time. He makes his way to a closet door unobserved to keep a rendezvous with a beautiful woman. They spend the evening together talking and dancing. When morning arrives, the man leaves the store as it is opening for the day. He arrives at work and is greeted by hostile co-workers that hound him about not having a girlfriend. The man explodes with a fierce temper that he does indeed have a beautiful girlfriend. That night the man visits the department store once again but he cannot get in. He has arrived too late and it has closed. He then observes a display window and sees his girlfriend standing there in a wedding dress. He despairs over the fact that the woman did not wait for him and that she promised that she would marry him. He breaks the display window and attacks the woman in the wedding dress. It is then revealed that the woman is nothing more than a mannequin. Two of his co-workers try to wrestle him down as he madly raves about his lost love. The co-workers then admit that they have driving the man into insanity with their constant barrage of taunts. The man is left crying with only a lock of hair from the mannequin clutched in his hands as a remembrance of his affair.

Appearing in "Lady Killer"





Synopsis for "To Die A Dozen Deaths!"

A man named Joh Dusek murders a young male gypsy. Before dying, the gypsy bestows a curse on Dusek stating that he will die a dozen deaths. The crime is witnessed by the victims old mother that accuses Dusek of murder and reminds him of her sons dying curse. The murderer is brought before a judge and Dusek is sentenced to hang. The man is thrown in jail but he taunts the guards that his lawyer will file an appeal and he will soon be released. That night in his cell, Dusek observes the ghost of the man he killed. The ghost reminds Dusek that he will experience a dozen deaths as punishment for his crime. Dusek goes to sleep but is awoken by the warden who announces that his time has come. He is escorted to the gallows and is hung. Dusek then wakes up suddenly in his cell realizing that he was dreaming but then he sees the ghost once more. The ghost reminds him that he experienced his first death and there are more to come. The scene repeats itself again and again until he finally receives a full pardon. Apparently the old lady that witnessed the murder had suddenly died and Dusek is free to leave. As he walks outside the prison gates, Dusek collapses from a heart attack. The twelfth and final death.

Appearing in "To Die A Dozen Deaths!"


  • Rozmondo, the Gypsy (Dies)
  • Jon Dusek, murderer


  • Gypsy camp
  • prison

Synopsis for "Scarecrow"

A man looks outside his window with rifle in hand as he observes a Murder of crows eating his crop of corn. He chases after them trying to get them to flee. A week passes and the mans neighbors grow concerned that they have not seen the man in a while. The decide to visit his farm to see if they can find him. They suddenly are stunned to see his dead corpse standing in the middle of a field like a scarecrow. He is propped up with a pitchfork that is run through his body. They surmise that he must have accidentally stabbed himself. The neighbors mention that they had advised him to get a scarecrow to do the job of scaring crows but that the man had replied that he could do the job himself.

Appearing in "Scarecrow"





See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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