The Unexpected (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 1976. It was published on October 16, 1976.
Synopsis for "Having A Wonderful Crime"
A summer camp hazing goes wrong when one of the new kids bolts after witnessing a child buried alive and reports it to the camp councilor. The man tells him that he was likely the victim of a gag and when the other kids follow him back to camp they say they always dig Freddy up before he runs out of air. Unfortunately for Freddy, all three kids thought one of the others had remained behind to dig Freddy up.
Appearing in "Having A Wonderful Crime"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
Synopsis for "What Haunted Herbert"
Herbert Brodman is about to be executed for poaching on the kings royal preserves. As the executioner is about to bring down his axe, he is blinded by sunlight glinting off his ax blade. This gives Brodman a chance to escape by diving into lake below the gallows. The scene changes as Brodman wakes up from a hypnotic trance in which he is being hypnotized into believing that he existed in another time. Brodman sees a blinding light that reminds him of the executioners axe. He panics and jumps through a window decapitating himself. The warden bursts into the room to find out what happened. It is revealed that he was the subject of an experiment to study his criminal mind and that he was scheduled to be executed by guillotine had he not jumped to his death.
Appearing in "What Haunted Herbert"
- Appearances not yet listed
Synopsis for "Escape to Treachery"
A revolutionary by the name of Pedro Ruiz learns that he only has weeks to live. He decides that he will use his remaining time to assassinate El Presidente. With the help of his accomplices, he obtains a boat with explosives and drives it head on into El Presidentes yacht. He succeeds in assassinating El Presidente but Ruiz survives the explosive crash and is taken prisoner. He awakes in a prison cell and finds himself face to face with El Ministro De Justicia The Prosecuter. The Prosecutor informs Ruiz that he is to be executed but that his sentence could be changed to life in prison if he turns in his fellow conspirators. Ruiz reiterates that he would never betray his friends especially since he only has a few weeks to live. The Prosecutor informs Ruiz that he is perfectly fine and there is nothing wrong with him. Ruiz is then served a meal to eat but he throws it on the floor in disgust. A rat eats the scraps that fall on the floor and immediately dies, Ruiz realizes that the poisoned food was meant for him. He reasons that his fellow revolutionaries probably lied to him to make him believe that he was dying so that he would risk his life to assassinate El Presidente. Ruiz breaks out of prison by overwhelming a prison guard. He immediately heads to his headquarters to confront his accomplices believing that they betrayed him and tried to kill him in prison with the poison food. Ruiz arrives and confronts his co-conspirators but he is suddenly interrupted by the Prosecutor and his men. They had been following him in hopes that he would lead them back to his accomplices which he did. The Prosecutor announces that they will all be executed. It was true that Ruiz only has weeks to live but little did his accomplices know that they too had a limited lifespan.
Appearing in "Escape to Treachery"
- Appearances not yet listed
See Also