The Throat is Gabriel Defoe's time-travel device.
In 2053, Lorna Dunnet and Gabriel Defoe take Iris Maplewood to a ruin, where she meets the leader of the Chapel Perilous; Shahara Hasan, and she learns the truth of the Throat device. Defoe later explains that Commander Elias Mannix needs this to facilitate his travel back to 1890, which will culminate in the 2023 destruction of central London. The Perilous attempt to recruit Maplewood to stop him, but she likes how The Executive society operates in 2053, and when Mannix raids the premises rescuing her and killing everyone, she leads him to the Throat.[1]
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- The Throat is similar to the God particle from the german sci-fi thriller series Dark. The particle, also known as dark matter or black matter, was a special type of particle that served as the foundation of time travel within the looped worlds.