Thundercats is a franchise based on the animated TV series created by Ted Wolf. After several media mergers and acquisitions, the rights to Thundercats are currently owned by DC's parent company Warner Bros.
While it began as an animated series distributed by Rankin/Bass Productions, it has had numerous comic adaptations and expansions published mostly through Marvel Comics imprints like Star Comics and Marvel UK. Starting in 2002, publishing rights moved to DC's Wildstorm imprint.
Licensed comics
- Thundercats (Volume 1)
- Thundercats Sourcebook
- Thundercats: The Return (Volume 1)
- Thundercats: Dogs of War (Volume 1)
- Thundercats: HammerHand's Revenge (Volume 1)
- Thundercats: Enemy's Pride (Volume 1)
- Thundercats: Origins - Heroes & Villains #1
- Thundercats: Origins - Villains & Heroes #1
See Also
- Characters from Thundercats
- Other things related to Thundercats
- Thundercats's Comic Appearances
- Reality Gallery: Thundercats
Links and References