Thy Kingdom Come is a Justice Society of America storyline written by Geoff Johns and illustrated by Dale Eaglesham and Alex Ross. The story features Superman of Earth-22 being stranded in New Earth following a global conflict between heroes that ravaged his world. Soon after Superman joins forces with the JSA in preventing New Earth from following the same path as his world by stopping a Old God of the First World, Gog.
Before the creation of the Fourth World, the Third World was under a final battle between the Old Gods. Among the Old Gods was Gog, who was unwilling to take either sides and was cast off after the result of that cataclysmic war. Gog plunged into the Bleed and traveled through various alternate universes until he landed on New Earth. Centered in Africa. Inert, his consciousness lingered in the stone and lava. A local tribe built a staff out of his remnants, enabling a user to channel Gog's energy. By the present day, William Matthews, a archaeologist and priest, discovered the forged staff and became mad after touching it. This cause him to have visions of the Multiverse, including having visions of events on Earth-22. Following this, Matthews began a serial killings on metahumans who claim to be gods by blasting holes through their chests and disintegrating their hearts.
Meanwhile, the Justice Society of America heeded to a burning paint factory while attending a charity at a local fire station. There they discovered the cause of the blaze to be the deceased metahuman criminal Goth, who was among Matthews' victims.
- Justice Society of America (Volume 3) #9
- Justice Society of America (Volume 3) #10
- Justice Society of America (Volume 3) #11
- Justice Society of America (Volume 3) #12
- Justice Society of America (Volume 3) #13
- Justice Society of America (Volume 3) #14
- Justice Society of America (Volume 3) #15
- Justice Society of America (Volume 3) #16
- Justice Society of America (Volume 3) #17
- Justice Society of America Annual (Volume 3) #1
- Justice Society of America (Volume 3) #18
- Justice Society of America (Volume 3) #19
- Justice Society of America (Volume 3) #20
- Justice Society of America Kingdom Come Special Superman #1
- Justice Society of America Kingdom Come Special Magog #1
- Justice Society of America Kingdom Come Special: The Kingdom #1
- Justice Society of America (Volume 3) #21
- Justice Society of America (Volume 3) #22
- Marketed as the "sequel" to the acclaimed 1996 limited series Kingdom Come. This storyline is the second of such sequels, the first being the bookend mini-series The Kingdom as well as its satellite one-shot issues. Although co-creator of Kingdom Come, Alex Ross, stated that that this story is not intended as a sequel to Kingdom Come as that would negate the purpose of the original story.[1]
- Jeff Graves, the third man to assume the costumed identity of Mister America, officially joins the JSA in this storyline. He was introduced as an FBI agent in Justice Society of America (Volume 3) #1.
- New JSA member David Reid is injured in the series, but restored and given additional power as Magog.
- Several new heroes were added to the JSA roster during this storyline, including the Superman of Earth-22; Sonia Sato, the most recent hero to adopt the name Judomaster; Markus Clay, the grandson of the original Amazing Man; and David Reid, the grandson of American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
- This storyline portrays the deaths of Goth, Chroma, and the New Olympians.
Recommended Reading
- Kingdom Come Recommended Reading
- Kingdom Come (Volume 1) - collected in Kingdom Come
- The Kingdom (Volume 1) - storyline The Kingdom collected in The Kingdom
- Thy Kingdom Come - collected in Justice Society of America: Thy Kingdom Come, Part One and Part Two and Part Three
- Justice Society of America (Volume 3) #9 - JSA #17
- Justice Society of America Annual (Volume 3) #1
- Justice Society of America (Volume 3) #18 - JSA #20
- Justice Society of America Kingdom Come Special Superman #1
- Justice Society of America Kingdom Come Special Magog #1
- Justice Society of America Kingdom Come Special: The Kingdom #1
- Justice Society of America (Volume 3) #21 - JSA #22
- Titans: Who is Troia?
- Justice League: Generation Lost (Volume 1) - storyline Justice League: Generation Lost collected in Justice League: Generation Lost Vol. 1 and Vol. 2
- Batman/Superman: World's Finest (Volume 1)
- Strange Visitor: Batman/Superman: World's Finest #7 - Batman/Superman: World's Finest #11
- Heir to the Kingdom: Batman/Superman: World's Finest #20 - Present
Links and References