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Quote1 I'm a woman scorned with nothing left to lose. You won't be able to stop me. Quote2
Tigra src

Tigra is the Apokoliptian mother of Orion, who was manipulated into a position to marry Darkseid and imprisoned by Granny Goodness; to be used as Granny saw fit.

Tigra was Heggra's choice for her son, Darkseid's, wife; and Heggra had his first wife Suli assassinated to make their wedding possible. So from the beginning, Darkseid had reason to resent Tigra. She had been working at the Orphanage before Granny Goodness won favor by killing Heggra; and thereafter was imprisoned with her son Orion.[1] Tigra remained friends with Granny, until it was time to exchange sons with Highfather and Granny dragged Orion away, leaving Tigra alone in her cell.[2]

Granny's replacement for Orion was a poor substitute, The Lump, who was an abberation genetically engineered by Granny. He was raised by Tigra until Scott Free escaped from Apokolips and Granny needed The Lump to battle Darkseid. Granny again tore a child from Tigra.[3]





New Gods 02
Jack Kirby's Fourth World
DC Bullet 2024

This character or group of characters are related to Jack Kirby's Fourth World, either the original concept and group of titles by Jack Kirby, or any of their subsequent adaptations by other creators. This template will categorize articles that include it into the Fourth World Characters category.
