DC Database

Quote1 Our boys are pretty restless. Tell Monga to come over here and then start making camp. Quote2
Tod Hunter src

Tod Hunter was an explorer, in Africa, in the 1930s.

In 1938, Tod Hunter and his partner, Tommy Withers, set out into the African wilderness, to find the legendary God of the Ruby Eye. They found a tribal cult with a dangerous priestess, Zara of the Ruby Eye, and had a great deal of trouble with her, her priests, and her spearmen, before escaping from that region, with a number of tiny rubies and two new friends, Miss Gail Duncan and her father.

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  • This version of Tod Hunter, including all history and corresponding appearances, was erased from existence following the collapse of the original Multiverse in the 1985–86 Crisis on Infinite Earths event and later restored following the rebirth of the infinite Multiverse during the Dark Crisis of 2022-2023. Even though other versions of the character may have appeared, this information does not apply to those versions.
  • Tod Hunter, Jungle Master, appeared in New Adventure Comics #27, June 1938, through Adventure Comics #38, May 1939.
  • The series ended in mid-cliffhanger. In the final panel of that issue's story, Tod was shot, perhaps fatally.


