DC Database

Quote1 Sorry to be so rough on you Captain Devere, but I had to break this case alone. You'll find the rest of the men in the back room of the Cafe Bleu. Also Slade here was acting as a go-between. Quote2
Tom Brent src

In the 1930s, Tom Brent was an officer on a series of merchant ships.

In Marseilles, in 1938, Tom Brent stumbled across a dope smuggling gang when they murdered a friend of his, and later attempted to frame him for smuggling. He independently investigated the gang, and busted it, earning a reward from the French authorities.[1] From there his ship sailed to Stombul, and along the way an abortive mutiny broke out, which was quelled by Brent, with a submachinegun. In Stombol, India, a plot was afoot to overthrow the local government, and the plotter attempted to obtain some important plans from Brent's commanding officer. This plot was foiled, and the chief plotter was killed, by Tom Brent.[2]

When Tom's ship was docked in Singapore for repairs, he was sent up the Little Johore River to deliver a small cargo of arms to an isolated expedition. This brought him into conflict with a band of Malay pirates, and considerable violence ensued, at the end of which a foreign-sponsored anti-British rebellion had been nipped in the bud.[3] When his ship was again docked for repairs, in Ningbo, China, Brent became embroiled in another murder, and solved it, by tricking a diamond thief into betraying his guilt.[4]

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  • S.S. Norfolk
  • S.S. Cory

  • This version of Tom Brent, including all history and corresponding appearances, was erased from existence following the collapse of the original Multiverse in the 1985–86 Crisis on Infinite Earths event and later restored following the rebirth of the infinite Multiverse during the Dark Crisis of 2022-2023. Even though other versions of the character may have appeared, this information does not apply to those versions.


