DC Database

In the 1930s, Tom Sharp was a bored American mail pilot who enlisted in the flying forces of the Orient, then in the Spanish Air Force, and finally in the French Flying Corps.

By 1940, American expatriate Tom Sharp was a captain in the French Flying Corps, having aerial shoot-outs with the Sermian Air Force, over the Western Front of France, and had picked up the nickname of War Bird.

In 1940, the War Bird was instrumental in thwarting the attempted Sermian invasion of Belravia,[1] after which time there were no further reports of any Sermian aggression anywhere.



Both French and Sermian aircraft were of no recognizable manufacturer or model, and neither bore any national markings. In the early episodes, most of the planes on both sides had open cockpits, and many of them had fixed landing gear. In later episodes, the warplanes began to look more normal.

  • This series ran in Slam-Bang Comics Vol 1 from #1 to #7, then appeared in Master Comics #7 and #8.
  • In his introductory blurb, we learn that Tom Sharp had earlier served in the Spanish Air Force during the Spanish Civil War, which would put him on the opposite side from Lee Travis and other early "mystery men," who also fought in that war.
  • Apparently in 1940, Captain Sharp served in the regular French Army, because the term "Foreign Legion" appears nowhere in these stories.
  • Captain Sharp had two persistent enemies in the Sermian Air Force, Baron Bruht and Captain Manfred, both of whom wore monocles and who were relatives.
  • Captain Sharp was shot down at least six times.[2] and suffered at least one gunshot wound.[3]


