Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters was an eight issue miniseries in 2006 which introduced a new team of Freedom Fighters, written by Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti, with Daniel Acuña as artist. It was part of the DCU: Brave New World event.
- Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #1
- Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #2
- Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #3
- Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #4
- Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #5
- Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #6
- Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #7
- Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #8
See Also
- Cover Gallery: Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters Vol 1
- Images from Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters Vol 1
- Textless Cover Art from Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters Vol 1