DC Database

The Underworlders represented the epitome of science gone wrong. Conceived and created in the laboratories of Project Cadmus, these men were created by the mad geneticist Dabney Donovan. Considered failed examples of genetic cloning, They were exiled from Cadmus and forced to live beneath the se

The Underworlders were Project Cadmus test subjects who lived underneath Metropolis.


The Underworlders represented the epitome of science gone wrong. Conceived and created in the laboratories of Project Cadmus, these men were created by the mad geneticist Dabney Donovan. Considered failed examples of genetic cloning, They were exiled from Cadmus and forced to live beneath the sewers of Metropolis where they earned the name the "Underworlders". During the "Battle for Metropolis", the Underworlders began to suffer from the same degenerative disorder that had been affecting all of Cadmus' clones. They believed that the waters that had recently flooded the tunnels were deliberately tainted with environmental poisons. Enraged at their former masters, they armed themselves with stolen Toastmaster ordnance and declared war on Cadmus. They came up from the sewers and attacked anyone whom they believed were even remotely linked to the group including Superman, the Guardian, the Metropolis Special Crimes Unit and Team Luthor.[1]

The leader of the Underworlders, Clawster, proved to be the most powerful amongst them. Gifted with psionic invulnerability, he engaged in an intense battle against the Guardian and succeeded in breaking the Guardian's shield. The battle came to an end when the alien clone Dubbilex arrived and telepathically shut off Clawster's psionic invulnerability, at which point, members of Cadmus' security staff shot him.[2]


Weapons: Stolen LexCorp ordnance

See Also


  • None.


Superman Villain(s)
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