DC Database

It is 31,752 miles in diameter. Its day equals 0.72 Earth days and its year equals 84.01 Earth years. The temperature at Uranus' cloud tops is -350 (F and its gravity is 1.15 that of Earth. Uranus is a gas and ice-rich planet with a narrow ring-system and a number of moons. Uranus was tipped

Uranus is the seventh planet from the star Sol at a distance of 19.18 A.U..


It is 31,752 miles in diameter. Its day equals 0.72 Earth days and its year equals 84.01 Earth years. The temperature at Uranus' cloud tops is -350 (F and its gravity is 1.15 that of Earth. Uranus is a gas and ice-rich planet with a narrow ring-system and a number of moons. Uranus was tipped on its side by some early catastrophic collision. The Uranus colonies were established on Uranus' larger moons.

It is named after the ancient Greek deity of the sky (Uranus, Οὐρανός), the father of Kronos (Saturn) and grandfather of Zeus (Jupiter). Uranus was the first planet discovered in modern times.

Points of Interest

Ariel is one of the moons of the planet Uranus.



  • On Earth-S, Uranus is confirmed to exist, but is seemingly devoid of all life (either due to an invasion of Living Fireballs intent on eradicating all life) or never had any to begin with.

See Also
