DC Database

"Wind Riders": At night, the Vamps ride up out of the ground on their motorcycles and head to Texas. They break into the Texas DMV and hack their computer systems, to get new license plate numbers. While Screech cracks the system, Whipsnake steals the license plates.

Quote1 The black earth swallows the dying sun. The sky bleeds red along the horizon. And we are born... Quote2

Vamps #2 is an issue of the series Vamps (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 1994. It was published on July 19, 1994.

Synopsis for "Wind Riders"

At night, the Vamps ride up out of the ground on their motorcycles and head to Texas. They break into the Texas DMV and hack their computer systems, to get new license plate numbers. While Screech cracks the system, Whipsnake steals the license plates.

Elsewhere, detective Hank Gallagher and chief of police Dwayne Bradshaw continue to investigate the mysterious death of the truck driver. Bradshaw informs the man's brother-in-law of what has transpired. He finds evidence of motorcycle tracks in the back of the decedent's meat truck.

Later, the Vamps break into Lone Star Hogs and steal fresh motorcycles. They apply the new tags and also acquire fresh clothes. An employee surprises them and fires a shot into Whipsnake's chest. She lunges at the man, disarming him, while also driving her fangs into his throat. The others want to join in, but they realize that Whipsnake needs this more than they do.

They then travel to another biker bar and begin hunting for more prey. While the others carouse with the locals, Whipsnake gets into an arm wrestling contest with a biker. She could easily defeat him, but to protect her cover, she allows her opponent to win. Several sheriffs' deputies enter the establishment and begin asking questions about some bikers riding on North Carolina plates. The man whom Whipsnake arm wrestled lies to them and tells the police that Whipsnake has been traveling with him since San Diego. With no other leads to investigate, the officers turn and leave. Another biker befriends Howler and gives her a book titled How to Disappear: A Manual for Going Underground. He tells them that bikers need to stick together. The Vamps thank their new friends, and Howler begins to realize the value in having allies in the biker community - even if they don't know that they are vampires.

As the evening presses on, the Vamps grow hungry. Screech goes out into the middle of a desert where she finds a Native American in the midst of a vision quest. Using her vampiric allure, she baits him to leave his protective prayer ties and embrace her. Without anything to keep them at bay, the other vamps rise up out of the ground and feed on him.

The evening wears on and detective Gallagher comes upon the body of the dead Native American. He sees a woman standing nearby and begins to question her. Suddenly, she takes Gallagher into her arms, but pushes away just as she begins biting down on his lip. Confused and frustrated, she races off into the night.

Appearing in "Wind Riders"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Ed
  • Judy (Behind the scenes)
  • Mister Bedgood (Behind the scenes)
  • Mister Green




  • The Vamps' motorcycles


  • This issue is reprinted in the 1996 Vamps trade paperback.
  • Howler's origin is partially revealed in this issue. First name revealed to be Jezz.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
