DC Database

Vandal Savage is an immortal criminal and an enemy of Hardware, Icon and Rocket.

15th Century

In the mid-fifteenth century Savage was organizing the slave trade when Hardware burst in the room and confronted him, telling him that the slave trade was not going to happen, prompting Savage to attack him.[1]

Savage quickly forced Hardware to defend himself with his armor and was attacked with modern weaponry but survived due to his immortality, forcing Hardware to encase him in a force field to prevent slavery from happening.[2]

Modern Days

In recent times Savage had become headmaster of a prestigious school that Rocket was attending which caused him to cross paths with her when she considered stopping a fight. Savage ordered her not to meddle in such business and threatened her family before attacking her.[1]

Savage quickly proved to be a superior opponent which forced Raquel to call Icon who stopped Savage and bisected him with his heat vision, causing him to split in two people and express surprise as he had never considered doing that to himself.[2]


  • Immortality: Savage is immortal, which means that he does not ages nor can be killed.[2]
    • Regeneration: Savage's immortality grants him the ability to heal at a superhuman rate. When Hardare riddled him with bullets the wounds closed in seconds, leaving him simply covered in blood but unhurt.[2]
      • Bio-Fission: Thanks to his great healing ability when Icon bisected him with his heat vision it caused his two severed body parts to grow into two different Vandal Savages.[2]
  • Superhuman Strength: Savage possesses great superhuman strength, he was able to easily break several of Hardware's ribs with a kick and proved able to easily overpower Rocket.[2]
  • Superhuman Durability: Savage possesses great resistance to kinetic damage and took blows from Hardware and Rocket without any real damage. Despite his durability he is not invulnerable and bullets and energy blasts can pierce his skin.[2]




