DC Database
DC Database

Quote1 If the person you're inflicting pain on actually enjoys pain, at what point do you just... give up? Quote2
Victor Zsasz src

Victor Zsasz is a professional Gotham City hitman. He was enemy of Batman and later, the second Batwoman.

Victor Zsasz became a famous assassin who cut his own skin each time he murdered one of his victims: his main goal was to mark his entire body so he could finally retire from his job. His evil actions attracted the attention of Gotham City vigilante, the Batman, who fought him a few times.

At some point in time, he also became an acquaintance of both Angelique Martin and her girlfriend, Ryan Wilder.

In 2020, after completing a contract which involved the murder of Vin Capalaci on the behalf of his wife, Zsasz was hired by the Queen of Coryana, Safiyah Sohail, to retrieve informations about the Desert Rose cure.

After breaking into the Hamilton Dynamics to steal a flash drive, Zsasz was approached by the new Batwoman, easily defeating her and escaping after firing a rocket at her; he met her again, in her civilian persona, who tried to hire him to assassinate the mad criminal Alice but he refused the contract. Later, the hitman broke into Mary Hamilton's clinic to murder her as she knew the secret behind the Desert Rose's healing property: Batwoman came to rescue Mary and fought Victor Zsasz again, knocking him down with her staff and leaving him to be arrested.[1]



  • Guns
  • Knives
  • Rocket Launcher



Batwoman Vol 2 26 Textless
Batwoman Villain(s)
DC Bullet 2024

This character, team, or organization, is or was primarily an enemy of Batwoman. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Batwoman Villains category."

Batman Villains 0003
DC Bullet 2024

Batman Villain(s)
This character, team or organization, has been primarily an enemy of the Batman, or the Batman Family as a whole. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Batman Villains."
