DC Database

"Feast of Agravar": The Warlord and Shakira find their way into a high-tech abandoned outpost of old Atlantis, where they encounter a robot who is programmed to serve...and who intends to serve them to a snake-god.

Quote1 I care little for the affairs of dead men. Quote2

Warlord #39 is an issue of the series Warlord (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1980.

Synopsis for "Feast of Agravar"

The Warlord and Shakira find their way into a high-tech abandoned outpost of old Atlantis, where they encounter a robot who is programmed to serve...and who intends to serve them to a snake-god.

Appearing in "Feast of Agravar"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Agravar (Single appearance; dies)
  • Bogs (Single appearance)
  • Dinosaurs

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Battle Cry"

In St. Louis, Missouri, OMAC leads IC&C's air raiders against the opposing mercenary forces of Verner Bros. Inc. The battle begins at sunrise and by midday, the fierce fighting has already claimed the lives of 563 IC&C soldiers and 973 Verner mercs. OMAC presses the advance and his squads forge deeper into the city. By sunrise the following day, Verner Bros. Inc. launches its counterattack. The battle continues all throughout the morning and afternoon. By the time it concludes, IC&C emerges victorious. OMAC is horrified by the mounting casualties and wonders if his decision to lead IC&C's forces was the correct one.

Appearing in "Battle Cry"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Sergeant





See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
