DC Database

"Bargain with the Devil": The Warlord tries to make a bargain with a pirate captain to have him hassle the New Atlanteans, only to learn that the bargain is a tough one indeed.

Warlord #87 is an issue of the series Warlord (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1984.

Synopsis for "Bargain with the Devil"

The Warlord tries to make a bargain with a pirate captain to have him hassle the New Atlanteans, only to learn that the bargain is a tough one indeed.

Appearing in "Bargain with the Devil"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Captain Hawk

Other Characters:

  • Chakka




Synopsis for "The City in the Sky!"

Appearing in "The City in the Sky!"

Featured Characters:

See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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