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DC Database

"Devil Wing's": The Warlord and his forces lead Saber-Tooth and his New Atlantean troops into a trap.

Quote1 And I swear by the jewels and scepter of my manhood, those dung-eating lizard riders aren't more than six good marches from Shamballah! Quote2
Old Gris

Warlord #93 is an issue of the series Warlord (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 1985.

Synopsis for "Devil Wing's"

The Warlord and his forces lead Saber-Tooth and his New Atlantean troops into a trap.

Appearing in "Devil Wing's"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Lord Saber-Tooth
  • Vashek assassins
  • Lord Chieftain
  • The Evil One

Other Characters:


  • Skartaris
    • Bloodrock Mountains
    • Gates of Shamballah
    • Valley of the Lion
    • Fire Mountain

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
