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""Images"": In October, 1862, in lower Manhattan, Scalphunter fights the Italian Camorra Gang, and inflicts several casualties. Later he tours Matthew Brady's photo gallery, and is shaken by the photos of several thousand Antietam casualties. He meets an embitter

Weird Western Tales #62 is an issue of the series Weird Western Tales (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 1979.

Synopsis for "Images"

In October, 1862, in lower Manhattan, Scalphunter fights the Italian Camorra Gang, and inflicts several casualties. Later he tours Matthew Brady's photo gallery, and is shaken by the photos of several thousand Antietam casualties. He meets an embittered competitor, and ex-employee, of Matthew Brady's, named Rawson, who is establishing his own studio and gallery. Rawson photographs Ke-Woh-No-Tey, and also divulges the shabby details of his dealings with Brady. Scalphunter is horrified to see the developed photo, and believes that his soul has been stolen! And in the next instant the door is kicked in by two gun-toting criminals! Pistols are pointed at them and they react: Rawson rushes at them and gets a bullet wound for it; Scalphunter stands still. The gunmen are here to steal glass photographic plates, and they do, including the image of Ke-Woh-No-Tey. They leave.

Rawson offers money to Scalphunter to recover the plates. In a heavy rain, he tracks them to a warehouse by the waterfront. Inside the crooks are being berated by their boss, Digger, for robbing the wrong picture gallery. They were sent to rob Matthew Brady, not this upstart nobody Rawson; he smashes at least one expensive plate while having a tantrum about it. Scalphunter breaks into the warehouse, breaks open some crates to expose their straw packing, drops a lantern onto the floor, and soon there's a fire. Scalphunter chases all three of these punks out of the building, but is unable to save the photographic plates from the fire. Rawson is ready to abandon the photography business, but Scalphunter tells him that it's important for him to continue. But much the same way Rawson had once withheld important information from Matthew Brady, Scalphunter withholds the one plate that he was able to recover, the portrait of himself from earlier that day.

Appearing in "Images"

Featured Characters:


  • Camorra Gang (now leaderless) (two die)
  • Digger
    • two illiterate stooges

Other Characters:

  • Samantha Savage (Mentioned only)
  • Matthew Brady (Mentioned only)
  • Rawson, Photographer

Locations: Locations:



  • Story takes place Late October 1862. At this time, Ke-Woh-No-Tey cannot yet read English.
  • Brian Savage already has a photo of his sister, Samantha Savage. Now he has one of himself as well.


Scalphunter Portrait

The only known existing portrait of Scalphunter?

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
