DC Database

"Captain Marvel: "Captain Marvel and the Ice Fiend!!"": Gideon Gleet fails as an author, songwriter, and artist, and the embittered man strives to find some way to make his name immortal. He sees a poster for a museum exhibit on ancient things found frozen in ice, and has a wonderful, awful

Whiz Comics #110 is an issue of the series Whiz Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 1949.

Synopsis for Captain Marvel: "Captain Marvel and the Ice Fiend!!"

Gideon Gleet fails as an author, songwriter, and artist, and the embittered man strives to find some way to make his name immortal. He sees a poster for a museum exhibit on ancient things found frozen in ice, and has a wonderful, awful idea.

Flying above things in the ocean, he drops "ice bombs" on them that form icebergs around the target, then carves his name as the party responsible into the ice, and leaves them to float the arctic where eventually the frozen objects will be found and everyone will know Gleet's name. However he's spotted by a ship and freezes them next, but the freezing effect takes long enough that their radioman manages to get out a distress call before succumbing. Billy hears it, becomes Captain Marvel, and finds Gleet signing his name to the iceberg like he has before. Enraged, Cap socks Gleet, smashes the ship free and flies after the fleeing villain. Gleet freezes Marvel next, but the hero manages to break free of the ice and follow his enemy to a giant iceberg fortress.

Cap changes back to Billy to get some illumination from the magic lightning, and falls into a trap where he's frozen alive. Gleet chisels Billy's face free to demand he be told where Captain Marvel is, which only gives Billy the chance to transform back to his super form. A supremely confident Gleet bombards Captain Marvel with ice bombs until he's frozen in ice ten feet thick, but still the World's Mightiest Mortal escapes. Cap easily delivers Gleet to prison, still an unknown, since he's just another nut with delusions of grandeur taken down by Captain Marvel.

Appearing in Captain Marvel: "Captain Marvel and the Ice Fiend!!"

Featured Characters:




  • The SS Pelican

Synopsis for Ibis the Invincible: "His Greatest Gamble!"

A man named Mammon is a compulsive gambler but wins every time. This is because he sold his soul to the devil for his preternatural luck, but when Satan appears to collect, he offers Mammon the chance to commit other souls to the inferno to stave off his own fate. Ibis and Taia show up at Mammon's casino investigating how people who lose there go missing, and with the magic of the Ibistick learn of their dire fate. Ibis sets a trap by disguising Taia and having her lose at Mammon's games on purpose then jumping through a window to save her when Satan appears to take her to Hell. The white wizard punches the master of darkness into submission, demanding the release of all the souls Mammon trapped. Satan complies, but Mammon's already belongs to him and he collects that when he burns down the casino.

Appearing in Ibis the Invincible: "His Greatest Gamble!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Louis Rochell



  • Earth-S
    • The House of Mammon (Destroyed)


Synopsis for Golden Arrow, the Robin Hood of the West: "A Song of Justice!"

Two journalists, Jason and Editor Breely, discuss how Mayor Martin of Rocky Ridge is likely embezzling from taxes collected. Mayor Martin reads about it in the Rocky Ridge Gazette and orders an outlaw, Haskins, to go rough up Breely, who gets punched into his compositor, breaking it. Golden Arrow hears it and beats the tar out of Haskins, then taking him to jail for Sheriff Haley, but he's soon released by the Mayor's word. The Gazette writes another story about how they were assaulted and Haskins literally walked free later that day, prompting Mayor Martin to have Haskins throw a stick of dynamite in their window, but Golden Arrow saves Breely by tackling him out the door. The morning after, Mayor Martin says they should discredit him instead of shooting him (which would only invite more questions) and soon meets him at their hideout in the woods wearing a top hat, shoots Haskins and shows this is Breely's hat, which he leaves to incriminate him. Soon, Breely is arrested for murder and due to hang at dawn as Golden Arrow and Jason manage to print a new edition of the Gazette claiming that Golden Arrow found the truth about Mayor Martin's crimes and is due to turn him over to the Federal Marshal in the morning. Golden Arrow has Jason hide in a closet to write down the confession he'll make, offering him the “evidence” he has for the truth about Haskins' murder. When he does so (planning on killing them anyways,) Jason bursts out, but trips, dropping the confession note and getting a gun in his face. Mayor Martin has them both bound to his horse by Martin's waist and gagged, intent on dropping them off a cliff. While being dragged there, Golden Arrow lets the friction of being dragged cut through his ropes, yanks Mayor Martin off his horse and punches him out. Jason is freed, takes a gun to hold up Mayor Martin and Golden Arrow rides off to town to stop Sheriff Haley from hanging Editor Breely. The next day, the headline of the Rocky Ridge Gazette reads: “Mayor confesses to stealing taxes and murder” as Golden Arrow says he sure loves the freedom of the press!

Appearing in Golden Arrow, the Robin Hood of the West: "A Song of Justice!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Jason
  • Editor Breely


  • Mayor Martin
    • Haskins

Other Characters:



  • Dynamite
  • Guns
  • Editor Breely's Top Hat
  • Several issues of the Rocky Ridge Gazette



  • Lance O'Casey and Freshman Freddy are on hiatus this month
  • Satan is never referred to by name, only referred to with nonspecific pronouns ("him!") or euphemisms ("My superior")
  • Mr. Mammon has a striking resemblance to famed actor Sydney Hughes Greenstreet

See Also

Links and References
