DC Database

"Captain Marvel: "Gravity Goes Wild!"": A weight-conscious woman is weighing herself at a public scale, but is shocked to find she ways 240 lbs! In a nearby park, a man suddenly becomes weak while walking and tries to sit on a bench… crushing it! A butcher finds a single slice of meat weighs a

Quote1 Great Zoth! Then what I feared is true! This future world isn't ruled by the laws of reason and science after all! The people are in the grip of medieval doctrines and outmoded fears! Quote2
Ibis the Invincible

Whiz Comics #127 is an issue of the series Whiz Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1950.

Synopsis for Captain Marvel: "Gravity Goes Wild!"

A weight-conscious woman is weighing herself at a public scale, but is shocked to find she ways 240 lbs! In a nearby park, a man suddenly becomes weak while walking and tries to sit on a bench… crushing it! A butcher finds a single slice of meat weighs almost 10 lbs and Billy finds his microphone is too heavy to even lift! Billy resorts to calling SHAZAM to summon Captain Marvel, who confirms that things sure seem to weigh twice as much and finds that he also can’t fly due to a strange increase in weight to everything. Captain Marvel reasons out with the Wisdom of Solomon that this means someone is increasing gravity. In an abandoned subway tunnel, Dr. Sivana is creating this with his new Gravity Doubler Machine that has doubled the weight of New York City and walks around with Anti-Gravity Boots, allowing him mobility while everyone else is struggling to move from their hands and knees. Captain Marvel soon finds that airplanes aren’t working well and cars are blowing out all four tires at once, forcing Captain Marvel to set the planes back down at the airport. Trees and power poles start breaking under their own weight, threatening civilians. Captain Marvel notes while holding a live wire that it does literally nothing to him. Hearing Sivana’s trademark snicker, he dashes around a corner to find that he’s robbing the City Bank and Trust, Co. and starts dumping the coins into the sewer due to being too heavy to carry. Captain Marvel manages to grab him, but Sivana uses his sprightly movement to wriggle out of his labcoat and starts base-jumping across the city from rooftop to rooftop, then hides in a smokestack. To lure him out, Captain Marvel flies back to Station WHIZ and returns Billy to report that a “famous scientist” is creating a machine that will fix the gravity issue. Eventually, Sivana leaps into his studio window and Billy’s chair cracks, making it fall underneath him while trying to call his magic word, just enough time for Sivana to leave Billy bound and gagged on the floor and dumps him on to a rug he’s treated with Anti-Gravity Powder that will essentially just carry Billy into space. Billy manages to wriggle his way off of it and falls into the ocean, the hard splash of hitting the ocean shifting his gag off. He calls SHAZAM and summons Captain Marvel to punch over Sivana in the Station WHIZ studios and browbeats him into revealing where the machine is so he can tear it apart. Later, Billy interviews a portly man who says that he still feels like he’s in double gravity, but otherwise everyone is happy again.

Appearing in Captain Marvel: "Gravity Goes Wild!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • A Heavy Airplane

Synopsis for Golden Arrow: "Golden Arrow and the Gold Strike Swindle!"

In the hills near Split Rock Mountain, a stagecoach run by Pete and Slim is held up by Golden Arrow and demands their mail bag. Some days earlier, Golden Arrow arrived in nearby Lizard Rock to visit his friend Postmaster "Hick" Palmer about rumors of a gold strike at Split Rock Mountain, which is forcing the good mail carrier head out farther and farther into the wilds to deliver to the small village. The day after, Golden Arrow rides out to Split Rock Mountain and finds that they don't receive a lot of mail there. Suddenly, a man dashes in and says he's struck gold and mails the claim to the County Land Office officially. Golden Arrow starts to figure out that this is a fake post office being used to steal outgoing mail from Split Rock Mountain, but is knocked out by an outlaw from behind. The outlaws, Slim and Pete, tell him their plan to just send in all the claims at once for themselves, then knock him out again before they escape in a fake mail stagecoach. Golden Arrow manages to slide down a zip-line with his bow to cross a gulch and intercept the stagecoach, punching out both outlaws and driving them back to Lizard Rock where the claims are all restored to the prospectors.

Appearing in Golden Arrow: "Golden Arrow and the Gold Strike Swindle!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Pete
  • Slim

Other Characters:

  • Postmaster "Hick" Palmer
  • Gold Prospectors


  • Earth-S
    • American Old West
      • Lizard Rock
        • Lizard Rock Post Office
      • Split Rock Mountain
        • Impostor Split Rock Mountain Post Office



Synopsis for Lance O'Casey: "The Reign of Terror!"

Sea reporter Lance O'Casey is out near the Cape Utanka Islands with Mike to hear a broadcast from their friend, Rex Hart, despite an oncoming storm. As it comes in, Lance and Mike are shocked to hear that there's been a spree of kidnappings and someone named "Rand" was killed by known gangster "Ears" King. He starts to mention a "bald" thing to investigate before he's knocked out and his radio system shut down. As he drops anchor, goons working for King throw dynamite aboard the Starfish, but Lance manages to throw it in the ocean. They find Rex's office nearby has been ransacked. Lance presumes that Rex meant to find "Baldhead Island" nearby with a volcanic crater that would make a decent hideout. They soon set anchor at Baldhead Island and two goons, Corky and Smudge, try to hold up Lance with guns, only for Lance to kick a rock into Corky's face and then headbutts Smudge in the crotch, then tries to confront the other three goons, King, Crott and Slye, who manage to overpower him and knock him out. The large-eared King tells Lance that he plans on ransoming the four important men he's kidnapped and will probably kill them anyways. Lance manages to lunge at King again, who accidentally shoots Crott before Lance manages to punch him out. Mike manages to catch an escaping Slye and the next day, they resolve that Rex will find them a new job to report on soon.

Appearing in Lance O'Casey: "The Reign of Terror!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • 1st Mate Mike Bellew


  • "Ears" King
    • Corky
    • Smudge
    • Crott
    • Slye

Other Characters:

  • Mayor Rand (Dies)


  • Earth-S
    • Cape Utanka Islands
    • Baldhead Islands


  • Dynamite


  • The Starfish

Synopsis for Ibis the Invincible: "Ibis the Invincible and the World of Wizardry!"

The Black Wizard has drawn together an annual meeting of witches to look into his cauldron to see the future, only for Ibis the Invincible to run in and reveal that his days of human sacrifices are over, wishing trees nearby to seize them. The Black Wizard punches Ibis in the chest and jumps into his own cauldron, seemingly killing himself. However, Ibis wishes on the Ibistick for the cauldron to reveal in its bubbling surface that the Black Wizard has traveled into the future to escape Ibis. Ibis quickly wishes the other cultists to prison and Ibis decides that the future will probably be easier to handle, since people will believe even less in superstition and witchcraft like he peddles and wishes himself into the future.

In the future, Ibis manages to step into oncoming Rocket Car traffic and wishes it to stop before it hits him, only for the driver to pull an energy gun and put it to his own head. The driver says that the Security Police are after him and he’s quickly arrested for letting a black cat cross his path, something only a filthy scientist would believe and that Witchcraft Council demands 20 years hard labor for such heresy. To solve this, Ibis wishes the black cat into a white cat and the driver is let free for now. In the modern year of 2750, superstitions rule the world and the age of reason has died out, instigated by the Black Wizard. Ibis soon finds him shopping at a Superstition Shoppe and punches him through a plate-glass display window. The Security Police run over to arrest Ibis for the crime of breaking a window with seven years in prison and is taken away. Their police rocket car is soon run off the road by the Science Underground who pressure Ibis and Taia into their car and take them to see the Science Underground HQ. Later, they meet in a metal chamber and the Science Underground inform them that the Witchcraft Council are pushing propaganda and creating nonsense laws to enforce a type of superstitious slavery. Ibis soon wishes for the Ibistick to have whatever building the Black Wizard is at start telling him that’s where he is and find it’s at the Council of Witchcraft Chambers. They try to storm the place, but are knocked out by energy rays and sentenced to death by being lowered into burning oil. The rebellion begins as the Science Underground start rushing in and the Black Wizard goes to cut the ropes so they’ll fall in, only for Ibis to swing hard to knock him and Taia out of the way of the oil. The Black Wizard tries to wish Ibis into the oil with the Ibistick not realizing that the Ibistick cannot harm the True Owner of the Ibistick and is thrown into the oil himself, killing him instantly. The Science Underground thank him as the rebellion is complete and promises Ibis that they’ll live in a better world free of superstition and terror. In the past, Taia asks if Ibis thinks anyone suspected they were from the past and Ibis decides that the new and better world is in good hands.

Appearing in Ibis the Invincible: "Ibis the Invincible and the World of Wizardry!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • The Black Wizard (Dies)
    • The Council of Witchcraft
      • The Security Police

Other Characters:

  • The Science Underground


  • Earth-S
    • The Black Wizard's Secret Grove
  • The Future of 2750



  • Rocket-Cars

See Also

Links and References
